How Can I Be Saved?

Keys To Salvation

If you are seeking salvation and asking “what must I do to be saved?
1. In a few words, simply:

“ASK JESUS to save you!”

This will work because the Bible teaches that whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved! You call on Him by ASKING HIM to save you and when you do that you will be saved! The Bible says, you will.

If you can’t think of just what to say, pray this prayer sincerely from your heart and mean it.

“Great God Jehovah! I am a sinner. Father God, I ask you to forgive me of all my sins. Lord Jesus, I ask you to come into my heart and life and save me. Baptize and fill me with the Holy Ghost. I receive you as my Lord & Savior right now and believe, according to the Bible, that I am now saved because I called on you. Thank you Father. Thank you Jesus. Amen.”

2. Next Steps:
a. get a Holy Bible and read it.
b. ask God to lead you to a Bible believing church and they will explain salvation to you in greater detail.
c. at your new church, request to be water baptized.
d. trust God to lead you and guide you through your new life in
Jesus Christ!

God Bless You.

Contact Us

We want you to know that you belong here, you are welcomed here, and you are wanted here! We would love to get you connected with us and help you with next steps to salvation.

Service Times

Tuesday night – PRAYER – 7:00 p.m.
Sabbath Friday Service – 7:00 p.m.
SATURDAY Sabbath Day Service – 12:00 noon.

Ask Jesus To Save You!