COPYRIGHT 2013. All rights reserved Sheryl T. Williams P. O. Box 212776 Columbia, SC 29221 All reference texts are from the Authorized King James Bible Jesus said, “Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin.” John 8:34 I dedicate this book to the Father, the Son, the Holy Ghost, and to the Body of Christ. Table of Contents Page From the Author 1 Be Ye Holy For I Am Holy 3 Introduction 6 Problems in the church of the 21st century Addiction 11 Adultery 17 Backbiting and Gossiping 22 Disobedience 25 Sodomites 31 Lying in the church and elsewhere 37 Marking and mutilating your bodies 41 Nightclubs and juke-joints 44 Not walking in love towards one another 49 Prayer 52 Pride 55 Profanity 58 Rebellion 63 Serving false gods 68 Unforgiveness 74 An Unrepentant heart 78 Women’s dress code 81 Contact Information 84 About the Author 85 From the Author In December 2011, two mornings back-to-back in my sleep, Father God ministered to my mind to let me know about the gross SINS in the church of the Lord Jesus Christ today. He called some of the SINS in the church out to me. He let me know this is my assignment on the earth, and that’s why He created me. I decided to write a book about it, inspired by the Holy Spirit to let the Body of Christ know that He is displeased with some of the things that His children are doing. He told me, the ones who are doing wrong, “you know who you are.” He want the ones who are doing wrong in the Body of Christ to STOP IT (SIN or gross SIN), REPENT to Him with a sincere heart (really mean it,) and ask Him for forgiveness. He want you to get it right with Him, NOW. He also want you to know, this is a WARNING to you. Basically, what I’m saying, I have an assignment from God to the Body of Christ. My assignment is, to speak to those in the Body of Christ who are in SIN or gross SIN. I’m not talking to EVERYBODY in the Body of Christ but only those people who are not walking upright before Almighty GOD. I must say right now today, there are saints who are walking upright before God and living a holy life before Him because they truly love Him, fear Him, and want to please Him in all things. I COMMEND you for a job well done, and I must say THIS BOOK MAY NOT BE FOR YOU. But, take heed to the WARNING anyway. So when you read what I have written, please don’t get offended. Don’t let the devil whisper in your thought life and bring the spirit of guilt or condemnation to your mind and convince you, you are in SIN when you know you are not. Don’t entertain the devil. Don’t listen to the devil’s negative thoughts and suggestions. Don’t listen to what he has to say. Remember, to bind him, rebuke him, and command him to GOOOOO from you in Jesus mighty name. Continue to do what you are doing and that is, being loyal, faithful, and going forth in Him. For those of you who are in gross or serious SIN, be offended at me because I’m here to WARN you about your SINS and tell you to STOP IT RIGHT NOW, TODAY. Stop committing adultery, fornication, and cohabitating. Stop being in disobedience. Stop backbiting, gossiping, homosexuality, lying, lust, pornography, rebellion, stealing, etc. There is a distinction between the different kinds of SINS. There are gross or serious SINS that can ruin you completely and take a person off this earth. It can ruin your relationship with GOD and man. Here is an example: leadership who are married and sleeping around with people in the congregation. There are also SINS that a person will need deliverance from such as: gluttony, backbiting, gossiping, bad attitude, etc. which are SINS of the flesh. I want to reiterate this point again. My assignment is to WARN you, and tell you to STOP doing what you are doing right now, TODAY. For the ones in SIN or gross SIN, you know who you are. God Almighty is not pleased with you and your SINS. He wants you to STOP IT, COME TO HIM AND SINCERELY FROM YOUR HEART, REPENT TO HIM ABOUT IT, and NEVER DO IT AGAIN AS LONG AS YOU LIVE. That’s just how much HE love and care for you. Make up in your mind to get back on the right track with GOD. I sincerely believe with all my heart, for Father God to give me such a difficult assignment, HE want this message to go forth throughout the whole world because, HE is getting the “church (YOU)” READY for Jesus Christ return. Be Ye Holy For I Am Holy Saints, it’s good your diet consists of blessings, prosperity, and miracles. I admit, there’s nothing wrong with it. But, you also need to hear about the “whole counsel of God” which will keep you on the right track with God, help you to walk upright before Him, keep you walking in the right direction with God, help you to discern good from evil and right from wrong, and steer you to walk holy before “Almighty God.” We desperately need a diet of the “whole counsel” of God” instead of having a diet of just the things we want to hear, or the things that make us feel good. If there is “sin in the camp,” leadership – this is where you come in: you should come against it (SIN), expose it for what it is. Leadership and congregation, if you are in the wrong, REPENT before God for doing it (SIN). It should never be to the point where leadership tolerates it, let it go on or get out of hand, overlook it, and continue to let SIN go on within the church because you are afraid to say something because it will make some members get offended, or you will lose a few members, or the tithes and offerings you collect decrease. So be it. It’s better to let that happen than stand before Jesus in the judgment and He flash a picture before you and say, “Why didn’t you come against SIN in your church?” “Why did you continue to let it go on when you knew about it?” What will you say before Him? Sin can cause confusion and problems within the church. In other words, “the SIN issue” in the church has to be dealt with. Without the problem being dealt with, it can cause devastating consequences within the whole church body and cause an “open door” for the enemy. Satan can enter and cause division, strife, contention, offenses, and even death and destruction amongst the church body. Father God is a “Holy” God and He desires a “holy” people. The Bible also says, He is a consuming fire. Remember, Nadab and Abihu (Aaron sons) that offered up strange fire before the Lord God. Well, God consumed them both with fire and they died. You cannot go before the Lord any kind of way. In the Old Testament, He told the children of Israel, “Be ye holy for I am holy.” And in 1 Peter, He instructs the New Testament church to also “Be ye holy for I am holy.” “Holy” has to do with “separation.” We separate from the values of the world and devote ourselves to God! We serve an awesome God, and we are to follow and imitate Him in all things. I admit it can be hard at times in this holy walk, but we must continue to work at it, not give up in our attitude, behavior, character, and conversation. One day, we will reach the ultimate goal we are aiming for which is “perfection.” Saints, we were created on this earth for God’s purpose and use. We are here to please God, not man. We are to obey Him whether we like it or not, want it or not. He is still God on the heavenly throne and we as His children should always respect Him as God. Father God left us with an instruction manual on earth, the Holy Bible. The Word of God will correct us, and rebuke us if necessary but it’s good for us. Christians of today are to perfect “holiness” in the fear of God.” Saints, we cannot make ourselves holy. Only the Holy Spirit of God can. That’s why it is so very important to have the Holy Spirit of God dwelling on the inside of you. He is the only one who can change us, make us, mold us, and shape us into the image of Christ. We in ourselves, don’t have the power to change us from evil to good. The Holy Spirit can because He know all about you and He specialize in this area. He know what need to be changed in the inner and outer part of man. He knows your heart (spirit) and how to clean up or take out the things about you that’s not pleasing in God’s eyesight such as jealousy, anger, bitterness, pride, prejudice, envy, strife, hate, hurt, worry, fear, etc. We are no longer under the law, and the Bible says, we are saved by grace (unmerited favor) through faith. As New Testament believers, Jesus Christ is our fulfillment of the law meaning, He fulfilled it! No longer do we have priests offering up animal sacrifices for the sins of the people. What Jesus Christ did on the cross of Calvary took care of the “SIN issue” for “all,” past, present, and future. Jesus Christ “paid it all,” and is sitting on the right hand of the Father as intercessor and mediator for the Body of Christ. Jesus sent the “Comforter,” the Holy Spirit on the earth to indwell His people, “the believer’s” in the Body of Christ. We as “children of God” cannot do what we want to do or have it our way. If we follow Christ, we have to humble ourselves and do it His way in all things. The Holy Spirit will lead, guide, and direct us but we have to listen and take heed to His instructions and most important of all: OBEY Him. The definition of holy means sacred, pure, to be set apart. All believer’s in the Body of Christ belong to God. We are God’s children. We are to obey God in all things. Believers are not to live in the same manner they lived before they were saved, when we were doing what we wanted to do, all kinds of ungodly things. But thank God for the Lord Jesus Christ, who had mercy on our soul because we were headed for a devil’s hell until Jesus rescued us and paid the penalty for our sins. As believer’s today, we should not ever slip back into our old ways of doing evil because Father God says to all His children in the Body of Christ, “Be ye holy for I am holy.” Introduction Body of Christ, in these end times you play a very important role in the coming years before Jesus Christ return. Jesus talks about it in His word. He is coming back for a church (us) without a spot or wrinkle. Saints, we need to focus on getting it right down here now, so when the Lord Jesus Christ return to meet us in the air, so shall we ever be with the Lord. Be honest and ask yourselves, when He return, which He will, what will He really find concerning His church. Will He find a church who is ready to go, or a church that need to be cleaned up? He should not have to return and find His church all tore up, messed up, or all bent out of shape. When He return, He should find a church like the church of Philadelphia in the Book of Revelation 3: 7-13. You will find, out of all the seven churches in Asia Minor, the Church of Philadelphia was the only church that the Lord was pleased and satisfied with. The Bible says, we are the “salt of the earth.” We are a preservative for the earth. The earth cannot sustain, function, or operate without the precious “saints.” Notice, that the Bible says, that “we are the light of the world.” Without the saints upon the earth, there would be total darkness. Saints, what’s amazing is, we light up the world and give it a glow and shine. This is a good thing because we represent Christ, and we are His ambassadors on the earth. We have to live the way He lived when He was on the earth. We have to walk the way He walked, we have to talk the way He talked. We have to obey God the way He did, we have to love people the way He did, and follow what He said in His commandment concerning love, for the New Testament church. We have to treat others right especially our brothers and sisters in the Body of Christ. We have to do what He instructs us to do from His holy word, and we have to forgive one another the way Christ forgave us when He died in our place on the cross. Body of Christ, it’s time for some of us as God’s children to come to a place of repentance for our many sins and transgressions against our Heavenly Father. There are too many sins going on with no repentance for them within the church body. We should acknowledge our sins, and REPENT to the Father in Jesus name every day. We have some people in the church who are in leadership, and in the congregation who have committed sins against God right now today, and they have not confessed it, or repented to God for what they have done. Well, I want to let you know that God the Father is not pleased with it and whoever you are, He want you to come to Him with a sincere heart, confess your sin to Him, REPENT, and ask Him for forgiveness. You know who you are, if you will be honest with yourself. God love you but He hate your sin. Sin is an abomination to Him. If you are a “child of God” you should hate sin and turn away from it. If you are one who is in sin, and like doing what you are doing because it feels good, or you want to do what you want to do, you are only hurting yourself and causing yourself to go further and further away from the Lord. You won’t be able to get to the deeper things of God. You won’t be able to flow in the Holy Ghost. You won’t be able to receive the things that God has in store for you. The anointing of God on you will dissipate, meaning you will lose your anointing. You don’t want to lose the most valuable asset in this life. He is more valuable than all the money, gold, silver, precious stones, oil of this world. Lose everything else, but don’t lose your anointing from God. You could end up really damaging your relationship with Father God. Eventually, your communication with Him will dry up and you won’t be able to hear from Him, and your spirit man can become dead to the things of God. The gifts and callings of God are without repentance! Ask yourself, do you really want to continue in your sin? You cannot survive and make it on this earth without Him. The Bible says, “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Believe it or not, “SIN” will destroy you if you continue to remain in it long enough. It is just a matter of time. Saints, the Holy Spirit gave me a revelation about SIN, the Summer of 2012. I was driving from North Carolina back home to South Carolina after visiting a friend of mine. I started asking the Holy Spirit some questions pertaining to the sin in my friend’s life. I asked Him, “Why did the death of a love one in her family happen the way it did. Well, before I give you what the Holy Spirit said to me in my spirit, I want you to know that my friend is a “child of God.” The Holy Spirit answered my question by saying to me in my spirit, “because of SIN in her life.” He also said, that “SIN, opened a door for the demons to enter and attack the person who is in sin or a loved one close to them.” He also said, “the devils have legal right to attack because that person stepped into the devils’ territory.” Afterwards, all I could say was, “Oh, my GOD!!!” The Bible says, in Numbers 32: 23, “…Be sure your sin will find you out!!!” Children of God, we cannot do what the world does. That is the reason why I believe God gave us His commandments, to keep us out of trouble and they do keep us with the help of the Holy Spirit. His word also helps us to be able to discern right from wrong and good from evil. In that way, we can choose good over evil for our life. The Bible says in John 10:10, The thief (Satan) cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they (you) might have life, and that they (you) might have it more abundantly. The Bible also says in I Peter 5:8, Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil (Satan), as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:… The Bible is exposing the enemy to us who is Satan. It also let us know what his mission is, to destroy us because we are God’s children and we are made in the image of Him. Wake up, Body of Christ. It’s time for some of you to wake up. Some of you have been sleeping entirely too long. What more does God have to do to reveal to you that you have an adversary (the devil) and that he will eventually destroy everything God has for you through your SINS. Believers, I believe from time-to-time we should receive instruction from the Bible, those basic things we should do and not do. Hopefully, it can help us to ponder those things in our heart and never forget what God told us. It will also help us as we go further in the Lord spiritually. I believe also that the “children of God” need to be taught Bible doctrine because it is good meat for us and it will “stick to our bones.” In this book, Father God charged me to expose the SINS in the church of the Lord Jesus Christ. He let me know He is displeased with SIN. Father God is still looking for a “holy people.” He has not changed His mind about it and He never will. He said, in His holy word “Be ye holy for I am holy.” Some of you after reading this book will accept it, and thank God for it. If Father God want to chastise us, that’s good for us. He does it because He loves us, so please don’t let yourself get offended. However, I agree with and must report everything He has spoken to me in my spirit. I’m just a willing vessel for the Lord and I will do what He instructs me to do. My husband gave me a revelation from the Lord one time when I addressed him with a question. I asked him, “Why people can’t receive the truth and why do they get so offended?” He said to me, “they can’t receive the truth because the truth hurts.” Well, for those of you who read this book and the truth hurts, remember the truth will also help you. The Bible says, “And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” I remember back in the “holiness” church my husband and I use to belong too years ago, we had a pastor whose name was Harese Lawrence in Grand Prairie, Texas. He was a down to earth sho-nuff Holy Ghost filled pastor and preacher. He would always preach the truth from the word of God and sometimes it would hurt. He knew the truth was hurting some of the people in the congregation. He would look out into the congregation with a smile on his face and say to us, “If you can take it, you can make it.” “If you can’t take it, you won’t make it.” We would reply, AMEN, and He would continue on preaching. But what he said, was so true. Believers, we have an advantage over sin in our life that the “sinner man,” “unbeliever,” or the world does not have. The world does not know to REPENT or how to REPENT when they do wrong. We as “children of God” know we are to REPENT (turn away or change direction) from sin, and ask Father God in the name of Jesus for forgiveness. After repentance takes place, we also have to believe that God has forgiven us because His word says so. The Bible says in I John 1:9, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” The Bible ask, in the Old Testament, “Is there anything too hard for God?” The answer to that question is NO. Another part of the Bible quotes the scripture, “All things are possible with Him.” Some people in the church today don’t have the fear of God in them. But, Jesus said, in Matthew 10:28, “And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.” Also, in Luke 12:5, Jesus speaks again and He says, “But I will forewarn you whom ye shall fear; Fear him, which after he hath killed hath power to cast into hell; yea, I say unto you, Fear him.” Jesus is saying to us in both scriptures we are to fear God because he has the power to destroy both soul and body in hell, and the power to cast into hell. If some of us really fear God, we would not be doing the things that we are doing which displeases Him in the church of the Lord Jesus Christ. I would not have been given such a difficult assignment from God exposing your SINS before you. But I thank God for the assignment and count it an honor and privilege that He wanted to use me as His mouthpiece. I will do my best with the Holy Spirit’s help to say what Father God want me to say to His people. I pray this book will help someone who need answers, that someone’s eyes will be opened to their SINS, that many will REPENT, and help someone to get back on the right track with God. Also, deliverance will come, that people will come into the knowledge and truth, and that many souls will get born-again of God’s spirit. May you continue to be blessed. Addiction Well, here’s a delicate subject that need to be addressed in the Body of Christ. This is an area where some people get very offended. It is also an area where some people don’t want you to know that they are struggling with some type of addiction. It may be an addiction to alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, pornography, and sex to name a few. Whatever the addiction may be “child of God,” understand, that you need “deliverance.” What is the definition of addiction? It means an unstoppable lust for something. First of all, a person with an addiction must acknowledge their addiction, and make up in their mind they want to be delivered (set free) from it. God will not go against your will or force you to do something that you are not willing to do, or give up. The choice is yours. But remember, you will suffer the consequences for your actions if you decide not to change. For the Bible says, “For the wages of sin is death,….” Child of God, when you first got saved, you knew you were supposed to give up all the things of the world to follow Jesus. The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 5:17: “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” The sins you committed in your old life before you got saved, is covered in the blood of Jesus. Saints, we cannot come to God any kind of way. Either you want Him, or you don’t want Him. If you really want Him, you would be willing to get delivered. Stop doing what you are doing, and turn to the deliverer, Jesus Christ! Give up the addiction(s) in your life that have you all bound up and have hindered you from going up higher in the Lord. These different types of addiction(s) are of the flesh. Your flesh desires to do what it wants to do. Your flesh does not want to obey God, the things of God, and the word of the living God. It wants to do its own thing. The Bible says, the flesh is enmity against God. In other words, the flesh is against God, and the Spirit of God. Instead of you controlling your flesh, the flesh is controlling you. It is talking and telling you what it wants, and what it want you to do to please its desire. You cannot let the flesh dominate your spirit. It’s the other way round, the spirit must control the flesh. Paul said in the Bible in 1 Corinthians 9:27, “But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection:…” What is Paul saying here? He was saying, you have to put the flesh down or you have to control the flesh. The way to do it is: a. Jesus said to His disciples, you should pray that you enter not into temptation. b. Fasting and praying is another way to control the flesh. c. Walking in the Spirit is another way. The Bible says in Galatians 5:16-21, 16 “This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh. 17 For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would. 18 But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law. 19 Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these: Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, 20 Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, 21 Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.” Deliverance is another way to break the things of the flesh. Go to a “deliverance ministry.” If the ministry has a prayer-line, get in it. When you are in the presence of the man or woman of God, let them know you want deliverance from your addiction. They will be willing to work with you to get you delivered. The Holy Spirit will do the work of purging you and cleaning you up. If you don’t receive your full deliverance from one session, you may have to go back for other sessions, or attend the church faithfully to hear the word of God. That thing that has a hold on you will eventually break off of you or you might attend a “high service” at church. There could be praise, worship, or holy ghost music playing that cause the anointing of God to move in the midst. When the anointing from heaven come down upon you, it will destroy the yoke (addiction.) The Bible says in Isaiah 10:27c, “….and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing.” Another way to get delivered is crying out to God. You go in your prayer closet or behind closed doors. You cry out to God about your addiction. You vent out to Him, and tell Him all about it from your heart (spirit) in your own words. You are telling him to take it from you or remove it from you. That you don’t want it anymore. That you know it is of the devil and you don’t want anything in you which represents the devil. Ask Father God in the name of Jesus, to take that addiction away from you with a sincere heart. While you are at it, always make sure you REPENT first to God for anything you did that is wrong, or was not pleasing to Him. Once Father God sees you are sincere in your heart about your addiction, He will send down from heaven, His anointing upon you and it will destroy the yoke (addiction) in your life that has you all bound up. The precious Holy Spirit lives inside of your temple and He is holy. He is dwelling on the inside of you, “child of God.” The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 3: 16-17, 16 “Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? 17 If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.” The Holy Spirit is not the Spirit of confusion. His desire is not to dwell inside of an unclean temple. It grieves Him to dwell in a temple that is contaminated with junk. He will patiently wait until you get your act together, meaning, you come to a place of repentance and you get cleaned up before He manifests His power in you. Just like God the Father is a holy God, and He is still looking for a holy people, it’s the same with the Holy Spirit because they are one. Some of you in the Body of Christ who have addictions, I’m not trying to get in your business but, the Lord loves you so much, He doesn’t want to see any of His children fall into temptation or sin. Sin can open up a demonic door of attack because you are stepping in the territory of the devil when you drink, or use drugs for example. Child of God, I know there are reasons why you turned to these addiction(s) in the first place. Maybe, you feel like you could not handle your problems, situations, or circumstances because they were so overwhelming, you thought for example, if you use drugs it would solve your problem for the time being. Well, whether you drink alcohol, or use drugs, it will not solve your problem. Once you come off your high, the problem you had before you got high is still there even after you sober up. That problem will still be there for you to face. So why drink in the first place if this is not the answer. The battlefield is the mind. The battle happens in a person’s thought life. If the devil can overcome you in the mind department, then he knows he has you. He wants to control you through whatever he use to get you to fall into his trap he has set up for you. Why? Because he wants to turn you away from God, and he want to destroy you because you are a threat to him and his kingdom. The Bible says, “…the devil comes to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. It also says, “…that the thief (devil) comes as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. Child of God who has an addiction, don’t let the devil get the upper-hand on you. Jesus says, “….that He gives us power over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you.” Another reason why I believe some people have addiction(s) in the Body of Christ is because you are listening to the devil feeding your thought life with negative thoughts. Yes, you are entertaining the devil instead of binding, and rebuking him in the name of Jesus when he comes to your thought life with negativity. In other words, he is constantly playing a recording to you about your problems, situations, and circumstances. He feels you like it and agree with what he said because you won’t do anything about it. That’s why he continues to come back to you and attack you in your thought life. If you continue to listen to him, eventually, you will start agreeing with what he says. Next thing he will do is start making his suggestions to you because he know that he has you just where he wants you. If you listen to the devil long enough, guess what will happen? You will begin to act out what he is suggesting you should do. Instead of you praying to Jesus, focusing your mind on the word of God, or the name of Jesus, trusting and depending upon Him to work that problem out for you, or give you the victory over what you are faced with, you decide for example: if I take a little drink of alcohol, surely it won’t hurt me. So you end up drinking too many drinks. The next thing you know, you are drunk, and end up passing out. You didn’t do what the Bible told you when it says, “Casting all your care upon him, for he careth for you.” God knew from the beginning that you would experience difficulties and tough times in this life. The Bible says in John 16:33b, Jesus said: “….In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. God knew you could not carry heavy burdens and weights. That’s why He gave us Jesus. He wants us to come to Him and pray, so we can release all our burdens to Him, and He will undertake our situations for us, and give us the victory over them. Jesus is the Only one who can carry our problems, and He is the only one who can solve them for us. He did not equip the human body to do that. There is nothing too hard for God. All things are possible with Him. Be patient and believe that He can do it for you. Any addiction can be broken off your life by using the mighty name of Jesus. Whether it is a nicotine demon, alcohol demon, or drug demon, when you use the name of Jesus against it, it will break the yoke of that particular addiction. In this area, get an anointed vessel of God (the man or woman of God) to speak the words against that addiction by calling the addiction out by name, and using the name of Jesus to break it off of you. Whatever the addiction is, it is a spirit and when you use the mighty name of Jesus against it, it has to bow it’s knee to the name of Jesus, obey, and go because they called on the name above all names. Get rid of your addiction for good so you can go to higher heights, and deeper depths in the Lord. You can also be a tremendous blessing to others in the Body of Christ who are struggling with their addiction(s). When they hear your testimony of how Jesus delivered you, it can give them hope for their situation. They can hear how you overcame, or how Jesus gave you the victory. Because you planted the seed, just listening to you, they can say to themselves, “if God delivered them from their addiction, surely, He can deliver me, set me free, or do something for me.” It will encourage their faith, and you never know how it will affect someone who might be going through what you have already been through. At the name of Jesus, the Bible says, that every knee shall bow (including devils or unclean spirits) and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father. Always remember, God cannot fail. God cannot be defeated. God will bring you out, and at the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the anointed of God, you will be set free from every sickness, and every disease, and every addiction that tries to attach itself to you. PRAISE GOD!!! Adultery In the church of the Lord Jesus Christ, there is a whole lot of adultery taking place. You know who you are. There are some single folk who are sleeping around, “shacking up” (common law marriage), who are not married. There are some single women who are in relationship with married men. There are single men who are in relationship with married women. There are some in the leadership who are in the wrong. There are some pastors who are in relationship with young women in their congregations other than their wives. Yes, you know who you are. You call yourself a “shepherd” over God’s people when you are in SIN. Instead of you breaking off that relationship with that young woman and repenting before God, you still continue to be in your mess even though, you know you are wrong. How in the world can you look your wife in the face knowing, not only have you committed sin before God but you have sinned against your wife you made a covenant with. Also, there are some male pastors who are having affairs with young men. You should be ashamed of yourself and you should know better! Father God is not pleased with your behavior. The Bible says, in Numbers 32:23, “But if ye will not do so, behold, ye have sinned against the Lord: and be sure your sin will find you out.” The story in the Bible with David & Bathsheba in II Samuel 11, for example, talks about adultery. First of all, Bathsheba was a married woman. David was a married man. Bathsheba was married to Uriah the Hittite, who was a valued man in the army of King David. The gist of the story is: King David saw Bathsheba on the roof top bathing and he desired her. King David sent and inquired of the woman. He sent messengers and took her, he had sex with her, and she returned to her house. Bathsheba found out she was pregnant with King David’s child and sent word to him. Afterwards, King David tried to fix what he had messed up by trying to get Uriah to go home and be with his wife so he and Bathsheba could have sex and hopefully, when the news was told to him by Bathsheba, that she was pregnant, that Uriah would believe that the child was his. Uriah the Hittite would not go home because he was faithful to his men and King David. The outcome of the story which is tragedy, King David sent a letter to Joab saying, “Set ye Uriah in the forefront of the hottest battle and retire ye from him, that he may be smitten, and die.” Joab, obeyed King David and had Uriah the Hittite put at the forefront of the battle. Uriah the Hittite was killed, and the baby Bathsheba was carrying in her womb at that time, died (Chap. 12). King David and Bathsheba sinned before God. King David was blinded to his sin. God sent Nathan, the prophet to expose King David’s sin to him. Nathan, the prophet told a story to King David about the poor man and a little ewe lamb. There were two men in a city, one rich man and one poor man. The rich man had many flocks and herds and the poor man had nothing but one little ewe lamb which he had bought and took care of it and raised it up. A traveler came to the rich man. Instead of the rich man taking an animal from his flock or herd to dress so they could eat, the rich man took the poor man’s lamb, and prepared it for the traveler and himself to eat. After hearing this story, King David was angry, gave his judgment and sentence on the rich man to Nathan the prophet. Notice, in II Samuel 12: 7, Nathan the prophet said to King David, “thou art the man.” You are the man the story is talking about. Afterwards, King David’s eyes were opened to his sin against God (vs. 13.) King David acknowledged his sin and repented before the Lord. The point is, King David was the king of Israel and could have had anything his heart desired, but he wanted another man’s wife! He made a wrong choice, but the critical point is, he was blind to his sin, as many of you are. REPENT!!! The consequences of sin in this story was devastating! Bathsheba lost a husband killed in battle. The baby conceived in SIN died! It cost David many problems in his family: for instance, his son Amnon raped his daughter Tamar (II Sam. 13), Absalom turned against his father King David because he wanted to be king. Absalom was killed (II Sam. 18.) King David’s son Solomon married 700 wives, and had 300 concubines (strange women or foreign women.) Solomon committed an abomination against the Lord God because his wives turned away his heart after other gods (I Kings 11). Today, if a man marries more than one woman it is called polygamy which means: the practice of having two or more spouses at the same time. If a man or woman is caught today, they will go to jail or prison. Women, you who are mistresses of married men, why would you be second when you should be first? That married man is using you. He does not love you. He doesn’t even love his wife because if he did, he would not be cheating on her. He is not going to leave his wife and family for you. He only wants to use you until he uses you up. He is not going to support you financially like he does his family. In fact, his wife is the one who gets all that money. You may get a gift or a piece of money from him, but He is going to always take care of home first. Are you going to continue to waste your life, energy, and time knowing that you can’t have him because he belongs to someone else. Don’t continue to go on with your relationship with that married man. Cut it off. Dissolve it. Let him completely go. You go your way, and let him go his way, back to his family where he belongs. Men, you who are in relationship with married women, open your eyes to your sin. Come to your senses…GOD is watching you! The same applies to some of you single women and men who are co-habitating (living together) with one another and not married. In the Bible, in the Old Testament it talks about anyone who was caught in adultery was stoned to death. Also, in the New Testament, John 8:3-11 it talks about the woman who was taken in adultery. Thank God, Jesus was there at the right place, at the right time to save that woman who would have lost her life that day. All the ones who accused her could not prevail against her. The accusers kept on tempting Jesus and asking Him what do you say we should do with the woman who was caught in the very act. Jesus stooped down writing on the ground with His finger for the second time, and when He looked up, the accusers were gone. Somehow, the accusers knew that Jesus knew something about their past or present situation, and they did not want to be exposed of it. So they decided to leave it alone. The last thing I want to say about what happened in King David’s lineage for the sin that he committed is, his kingdom was eventually split meaning, the Assyrians came down and captured Israel and the Babylonians came down and captured Judah and carried off all the people into bondage! In these days and times, STOP sleeping around. Consider all the types of diseases you can contract such as HIV/Aids, which is a deadly disease. When my mom and dad were alive, I use to always hear them say, growing up, “it only takes one time to sleep with the wrong person.” Once a person gets HIV/Aids, they have signed a death sentence. The only one who can heal them of this deadly disease is Jesus Christ, Himself. Body of Christ, stop what you are doing if you are committing adultery. God Almighty is not pleased with what you are doing. REPENT now before the Lord with a sincere heart and make up in your mind NEVER to do it anymore. This is a WARNING to you! If you continue in SIN… - You will be caught: Proverbs 13: 21 says, 21 Evil pursueth sinners: but to the righteous good shall be repaid. You will be overthrown: Proverbs 13: 6 says, 6 Righteousness keepeth him that is upright in the way: but wickedness overthroweth the sinner. You will fall: Proverbs 28: 18 says, Whoso walketh uprightly shall be saved: but he that is perverse in his ways shall fall at once. Scriptures Hebrews 13:4, “Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge. James 4: 4, “Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God. Proverbs 6:32, “But whoso committeth adultery with a woman lacketh understanding: he that doeth it destroyeth his own soul. Matthew 5: 28, “But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart. Matthew 15:19, “For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies:…” Mark 10:19, “Thou knowest the commandments, Do not commit adultery,….” Backbiting and Gossiping In the Body of Christ, there is too much gossiping and backbiting happening amongst the brethren. Didn’t Jesus command us to walk in love towards one another. We have some people who are slandering their brothers and sisters in Christ. We also have some people who are talking about the leadership, the “man and woman” of God. They are talking about them behind their back and to other people. The Bible says, in Psalm 105:15, “Touch not mine anointed and do my prophets no harm.” Watch how you talk about anointed vessels called by God. The Bible also says in Romans 12:19, “Vengence is mine, I will repay.” If you have a problem with the “man or woman of God,” or someone in leadership, who you disagree with about something, and you feel you can’t go to them to discuss the matter, then I would suggest you get on your knees in the prayer closet, and take it to God in prayer. Pray for them instead of gossiping to other people about them. The same thing applies to your brothers and sisters in Christ. How do you expect God to bless you when you are coming against your leadership. When you are talking about His anointed vessels, you are cutting off your blessings. Instead of being blessed, you are only cursing yourself because you cannot keep your big mouth “shut.” You are really hurting yourself in the process. The blessings that God had for your life are now hindered or “cut off,” from coming to you because of your mouth and what you say. By you coming against God’s anointed vessels, show you have no respect towards the leadership that God put over you to be a blessing. If you don’t like your pastor(s), then find another church to fellowship at. Ask God to release you and go where He directs. But, there is only one problem, that is, wherever you go, you will encounter the same problem or more problems. Have you ever asked yourself, could the problem just be you. Examine yourself, or ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you whether you are the problem or not. And He will give you an answer in His perfect timing. When you gossip and are backbiting your brothers and sisters in Christ, you are stopping your blessings from flowing to you. When you come against the people mentioned, not only do you stop your blessings, but you hinder growing spiritually in the Lord, flowing in the Holy Ghost, your spiritual gifts not operating as they ought, or going higher in the Lord. The word “backbiting” means to slander. One of Satan’s names is slanderer. When you are “backbiting,” you are doing the work of Satan. The word “gossip” means deception, lies, talebearer, or rumors. It is also from the kingdom of darkness. One of Satan’s tactics is deception. He is a liar and he spreads rumors. In the Bible, Jesus said, that Satan is a liar, the father of lies, and there is no truth in him. Anything that portrays evil is of the devil. There is a saying in the world that says, “If you can’t say anything good about someone, don’t say anything at all.” I agree, this is a true saying. Body of Christ, stop gossiping and backbiting church leadership, along with your brothers and sisters in Christ. Stop tearing them down with your mouth. Father God, is not pleased with this kind of behavior. Use more of your time and energy, praying for the church, world problems, people’s situations, and circumstances that need to be resolved. If you are a “child of God” who fit the category of a gossiper or backbiter, you desperately need to REPENT (turn away from it, or change direction) and ask Father God, in the name of Jesus to forgive you. Ask Him also to help you in this area and to “bridle” your mouth. We need to get it right, down here now, because this type of behavior will not be tolerated in heaven. Scriptures Romans 1:29-32, 29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, 30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, 31 Without understanding, covenant-breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: 32 Who knowing the judgment of God that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them. II Cor. 12:20, For I fear, lest, when I come, I shall not find you such as I would, and that I shall be found unto you such as ye would not: lest there be debates, envyings, wraths, strifes, backbitings, whisperings, swellings, tumults:….” I Cor. 6:9-10, 9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolators, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, 10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. Gal. 5:19-21, 19 Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these, adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, 20 Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, 21 Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God. Eph. 5:3-5, 3 But fornication, and all uncleanness, or covetousness, let it not be once named among you, as becometh saints; 4 Neither filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor jesting, which are not convenient: but rather giving of thanks. 5 For this ye know, that no whoremonger, nor unclean person, nor covetous man, who is an idolater, hath any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God. Disobedience This is an area that Satan uses to keep a “child of God” from obeying God, the leadership in the church, a spouse, a family member, a relative, or a friend. The Bible says, he comes to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. He comes when no one expects him. If he can get you over in the flesh, and cause you to disobey for example, the authority or leadership over you, well, he’s got you right where he want you. For instance, take a teenager, when the parent ask them to do something. That teenager says, “No, I’m not going to do it, “you can’t tell me what to do.” What did that teenager just do. The teenager disobeyed a command from their parent who has authority over them. First of all, the teenager should not be in the position where they can tell the parent what they are going to do and not going to do. As long as that teenager is living in the parent’s house, they have no say-so, and they should do what their parents tell them to do whether they like it or not. If that teenager cannot follow “authority” in the household, they need to make other arrangements for where they want to stay. Also, it shows, the teenager does not have any respect toward their parent. The Bible says, in the Ten Commandments, Exodus 20:12 which says, “Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.” Children, what is Father God saying to you. If you honor your parents, you will live long on the earth. If you do not obey your parents or the rule over you, your life span will be cut off short. So children, let me give you some wisdom here: as long as you are living in your parent’s house, you must obey the rules they set before you. How do you expect God to bless you when you disobey your parents. Examine yourself, and stop saying to them, what you are not going to do. In fact, stop talking back to them. I remember back in the day, when I was coming up, if I talked back to my daddy, I got a whipping. He would look at me a certain way, and I knew he was serious. The next thing I knew, here comes the leather belt with our last name engraved in it. You felt every letter of our last name on your body. The whippings cured that back talk. I also want to say, my dad and mom are not here today. I really thank my dad for being the type of dad he was. I believe, if he had not been strict on me growing up and I did not receive the whippings I got from him, there’s no telling what would have happen to me. In the 21st century today, this generation of children, is “off the chain.” The children today are no comparison to the children of yesterday. We did not get away with some of the things these children today get away with. We had respect for our parents and elders over us only because they did not play games with us. Many children today are in rebellion because there is a “spirit of rebellion” on them. When you find too many children with the same spirit operating in them, Satan is behind it. Also, you find today, parent’s who seem to be afraid to spank or give their child or children a whipping because some of the children will threaten them and let them know they will call 911, or Social Services on them. Some of the parent’s say to themselves, they don’t want to be arrested or go to jail, so they pretty much let it go. Parents, I’m not trying to tell you what to do because you run your household. One day, when you get tired of the “back talk” and disobedience from your children, maybe then, you will decide to do something about it. You might even say to yourself, “I have had enough.” If you don’t put a stop to it in the beginning, your child will continue to try you because they feel they have you just where they want you. If you let the child get away with this, then later on the child will continue to get away with something else down the road. There are other ways to discipline a child without having to whip them. You can also put them on some type of punishment. That way, it will give the child plenty of time to think about what they really have done. If the child does not like the particular punishment you have them on, they will think about it before they do it again. They will remember the next time you tell them to do something, they will do it. They will also remember not to talk back to you because they will be punished. When I say punishment, I’m saying for example: a teenager, age 16, when they disobey, ground them from using their computer, cell phone, looking at television, or taking some of their driving privileges away. When you are talking about “grounding” them of something, I’m not talking about taking away their privileges for a couple of hours, or maybe two days. I’m talking about a couple of weeks or maybe months. You have to make it so convincing to them, they will miss what they had in the beginning. The Bible says in Proverbs 22:6, “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Children, if you are in disobedience towards God, your parents, teacher, guardian, elders, or any grown-up over you, you must acknowledge the sin first. Go to Father God in prayer and confess it before him and ask Him to forgive you and really mean it. You can pray, Father God, in the name of Jesus, I confess I have the “spirit of disobedience,” (or you can say, a “disobedient spirit.”) I’m sorry for disobeying (call mom or dad’s name out) before the Lord. Please forgive me. Thank you Lord, in Jesus name. Amen. Or, you can pray, Dear Father God, I confess I have a “disobedient spirit.” I’m so sorry for disobeying you and doing what I wanted to do. Please forgive me for my sin. Help me, Lord to do better. Thank you, in Jesus name. Amen. If you are saved, when you prayed, your sins were forgiven and covered in the “blood of Jesus.” They are thrown in the “sea of forgetfulness” never to return to His ears again. Then believe He has forgiven you, according to I John 1:9. Christian parents, you can also pray for your “child,” or “children” who are in disobedience. The “spirit of disobedience” is a spirit, and it can be broken off your child in the name of Jesus. You can also bind up the “spirit of disobedience,” in the name of Jesus. Every time,that “spirit of disobedience” shows up in your child, you bind it up, in Jesus name. Jesus gives you power. According to Luke 10:19 it says, “Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.” Say this prayer, “Spirit of disobedience,” I come against you, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. “Spirit of disobedience,” I break your power to operate in (child’s name) life. I bind you up, and I command you to go from (child’s name) right now, in Jesus name. Amen. Or you can say, I rebuke you, “spirit of disobedience,” over (child’s name) life, in Jesus name. I bind you up “spirit of disobedience,” in the mighty name of Jesus. I command you to cease all your operation and works against (child’s name) right now in Jesus name. I command you to GO, right now in Jesus name. The blood of Jesus is against you, in Jesus name! Amen. Remember, “disobedience” is a sin against Almighty God. Anyone in the Body of Christ who is in disobedience, you know who you are, REPENT now, and get it back right with God. Now, let me give you an account from the Bible concerning disobedience. In the Book of I Samuel, we see the story of King Saul. Israel did not want God over them, but they wanted and chose Saul, as king. Be careful what you ask for, God will give you what you want. So God, stepped aside and gave Israel just what they wanted. God sent Samuel, the prophet to anoint Saul as king. Well, God sent Samuel to Saul from time-to-time to give him His instructions what He wanted Him to do. Every time, God sent word by the prophet to instruct him, as soon as the prophet would leave him, he would take it upon himself to do the opposite of what God told him to do. That did not set well with God at all. In other words, he disobeyed God which made God angry with Him, and God regretted that he was king. Two examples, of Saul’s disobedience to God is, (1) there was going to be a battle between Israel and the Philistines. The Philistines army was large, and Israel’s army was small. Israel’s men got tired, they began to get discouraged and some of them went home. When King Saul, saw what was happening, he decided to do something himself instead of waiting on Samuel to return so Samuel could offer the sacrifice before the army went into battle. By the time Samuel returned which was late, Saul had taken it on himself to do the duties of a priest by offering the sacrifice to God. King Saul, was out of order. Only a Levite was in position to offer up sacrifices to God. God did not call Saul as a priest, but a king. When Samuel returned, Saul had just finished offering the sacrifice before God. Samuel, by the Holy Ghost knew something was wrong. He asked Saul, what had he done. Saul made excuses to Samuel. Saul, told Samuel, that the Philistines were ready to fight them, and the soldiers were leaving. He let Samuel know, he was late, and he took it upon himself to do what was necessary to prepare His men for war. Saul’s disobedience to God cost him. By him not waiting on the “man of God,” and taking matters into his own hands by stepping into an office he had no business stepping in, it cost him his relationship with God and the prophet Samuel. Samuel loved him, but he would not have any more to do with him, after he continuously kept rebelling against God. (2) The other thing Saul did wrong was, God had said that his people were not to consult familiar spirits (Deuteronomy 18:11.) But Saul said (1 Sam. 28:7) “seek me a woman that hath a familiar spirit, that I may go to her, and enquire of her.” Saul, was no longer hearing from God or from the prophet Samuel. Samuel had died. Saul decided to go see the witch of Endor because God was no longer talking to him, and Saul wanted to talk with Samuel. He wanted the witch of Endor to raise Samuel from the dead. Saul, was dead to spiritual things and the things of God. The witch conjured up a man who they thought was Samuel. Saul had a conversation with him not knowing he was talking with a “familiar spirit.” The spirit let Saul know that he and his son’s would die in battle the next day, and he would be where he is. Those words were the giveaway that this was not Samuel but a spirit. Saul had been rejected by God and therefore, could not go where righteous Samuel was. Saul was talking to an evil spirit or “familiar spirit,” from the kingdom of darkness. The Bible in 2 Corinthians 11:14-15 says, 14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. 15 Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works. There are other things which Saul did in his disobedience to the Lord. Saul’s disobedience led to God’s rejection of him. God would not have anything else to do with him. You never want to cause God to reject you. Once He rejects you, it’s all over. There’s no way, you can get back with Him. Yes, when you die, and go out into eternity, your destination will be hell. When Samuel, the prophet was alive, God instructed him to go to the house of Jesse, to anoint David as the new king of Israel after seeing all the mistakes Saul was making and his disobedience to Him. This time, God chose the king for Israel. He chose a man after His own heart. God always has a “ram in the bush.” I believe, if Saul had obeyed the Lord God in everything, that he would have remained king of Israel, and he and his sons would not had died the “horrible death” on the battlefield like they did. It pays to serve and OBEY GOD. Scriptures Romans 5:19, “For as by one man’s disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteousness.” 2 Corinthians 10:6, “And having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled.” Ephesians 2:2, “Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience.” Ephesians 5:6, “Let not man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience.” Colossians 3:6, “For which things’ sake the wrath of God cometh on the children of disobedience:…” Hebrews 2:2, “For if the word spoken by angels was stedfast, and every transgression and disobedience received a just recompence of reward;…” Sodomites Homosexuals, Lesbians, Transvestites, Same-Sex In the beginning, when God created His creation, He created man and woman on the sixth day (Gen. 1:27, 28). God created man in His own image (Gen. 1:27.) He put man (Adam) asleep, and took a rib from him, and created woman, Eve (Gen. 2: 21-22). God joined Adam and Eve as husband and wife (Gen. 2:23, 25). God knew exactly what he was doing in the beginning of creation. He is a brilliant and intelligent God. He knew Adam needed a help-meet, wife, companion, and friend. This means, that two men (Steve and Harvey), and two women (Janet and Leslie) same-sex couples cannot biblically be joined together as husband and wife. The Bible says, in Gen. 1: 27, that God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. And He goes on to say in Gen. 2: 24 therefore, shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife, and they shall be one flesh. God joined Adam and Eve as husband and wife. You will also find other scriptures in the bible where God created male and female (Gen. 5: 2; Matt. 19: 4-6; and Mark 10: 6-8) where Jesus is speaking. Jesus, is the final authority over the word, and that settles any issues and concerns that one may have. Homosexuality is a tactic of Satan, which Satan created himself. He is the only one that is so evil, that he would suggest two men or two women to have sex with each other. God knew what He was doing when He created sex. He only meant for sex to be between a man and a woman. He also meant for marriage to be only between a man and a woman. Same-sex couples, you are in deception by Satan. The sin of homosexuality, lesbianism, transvestite, same-sex is an abomination against God (Lev. 18:22). God loves you, but He hates your sin. This sin is unnatural. In the Bible, God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah by fire and brimstone because of this very same sin (Gen. 19: 1-29.) Today, the “world” refers to them by another name, “people with alternative lifestyles.” I believe what the Bible says, and I call it what it is, “sodomites.” In the 20th century, it was referred to as, “homosexuality.” Father God is not pleased with this sin, at all. In the church of the Lord Jesus Christ, we find them as members of some of our churches, in a leadership role, singing in the choir, playing as a musician, and working in the church in some type of capacity. The Bible says, when you first get saved, “Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” When the scripture talks about “old things,” it’s talking about your past sins for example, homosexuality. Things you did before you got saved. It is an “evil spirit” that will cause a person for instance, a man to think that he really is a woman, and convinces him to dress up as a woman. It is also an “evil spirit,” that will cause a woman to think she really is a man, and convinces her to dress like a “thug,” by cutting her hair short or bald, wear caps backwards on her head, wear big clothing, men’s pants and shirts, men’s sneakers, or work shoes, and act like a man. A person in this particular sin needs “full blown deliverance.” If you want to turn away from this sin, you will first have to REPENT to God the Father, asking Him for forgiveness, and ask Him to remove it (homosexuality) from you. Only the anointing of God can destroy the “yoke” in your life. The anointing will have to come down from heaven upon the homosexual, lesbian, transvestite, same-sex person, and destroy that particular “yoke” (sin) off of them which is in their flesh. The Bible says, “…and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing (Isa. 10:27.) Again, I want to repeat myself by saying, some of you who are in some type of homosexuality, God loves you, but He hates the sin that you are in. Turn from your evil and wicked ways. Stop going around telling others that the ministers in the church that speak against your sin, is a “hate” crime. The ministers don’t hate you but they are called by God to preach and tell you the “truth,” whether you like it or not. It is an “hate crime” when you reject what God told you. What you need to be doing is accepting what the “Spirit of God” is saying to you through His anointed vessels. The ministers of the gospel are not judging you, but the word of God in the Bible is (Lev. 18:22.) Open the Bible to the holy scriptures, and see what God says to you Himself. I’m not talking about a Bible that has taken out or scratch through what God’s word says, (such as the QJB, “Queen James Bible) but you will find it in the King James version. Sodomites, I know about the Queen James version you call a bible where you had all the holy scriptures that God quoted about your sins removed. What God says in His word is the final authority, and you cannot change and override it, no matter how much of it you remove. But, let me be the first to inform you, what you have done, you will stand before the Lord Jesus and account for what you did. The Book of Revelation, Chapter 22:18-19 says, 18 “If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: 19 “And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.” God is still looking for a “holy” people today. A people who are not contaminated or unpure. He wants a “sinless,” “pure,” “blameless,” people for His purpose and His use. Father God, is saying to you today, REPENT and accept Jesus Christ as your Lord & Savior. Stop going around telling people, you were born homosexual. The devil is a “liar.” God knew exactly what He was doing when He created you male or female. Stop going around telling people you can’t help it, the way you are. The devil is a “liar” again. In fact, he just told you two big lies. It is a lie from the “pit of hell,” and you are deceived. Stop listening to the lies of the devil in your thought life, and in your mind. God can change you from the deception that Satan has caused you to believe. And only God Himself can deliver you from it. But first, you have to want to be changed. If you decide that you are not going to change and you like being the way you are, well, I have to tell you the truth, whether it hurts you or not, or whether you like it or not, “HELL awaits you.” You will join the many other people standing in the long lines awaiting to get behind the gate to suffer torment for eternity in the “lake of fire.” You will feel (your five senses) everything that is happening to you in hell. The Holy Spirit, took me down into hell in my sleep early one morning, and I saw the long lines of people and I could not see where the line stopped, because it was so many people. The devil behind a big black gate came out to grab the first person in line by their wrist and snatched them behind the gate door, and he closed the door. I heard the screams and hollers of the people already behind the gate that were being tormented. I smelled the horrible stench, and I felt the heat intensity in hell. The Bible clearly says, the effeminate or strange flesh (homosexuals, lesbians, transvestites,) will not inherit the kingdom of God. I want you to know, God cares for your soul and where you will spend eternity. Father God does not want you to choose or end up in hell but He gives you a “freewill” to make your own choices and decisions for your life. The choice is yours. God leaves the choice up to you where you want to go and spend eternity. Instead of you getting mad when you read what I have written, you need to seriously think about what was said. Your life is on the line. You don’t know when you might leave off this earth. Come out of your SIN, before it is too late. Once you end up in hell, there is no way of getting out. The judgment is set. A Word From Pastor Williams It’s clear to me, reading the Bible that God is not pleased with SINS of any kind, and the Bible points out that before salvation all of us have sinned and come short. All born-again people heeded what the Bible said, repented and asked Jesus Christ to save them. However, I find it most curious that regardless of the type of SINS that beset we humans, when it comes to the SIN of homosexuality, for some strange reason it is treated differently. For instance, who ever heard of a group of sinners, joining together, politically, economically, and legally, to legally protect their particular sin. Everyone else, when they hear the gospel either accepts, delays or rejects it flat out. But, homosexuals declare they are different! They say, “we were born this way.” You have to accept our SIN. It is our civil and legal right to do what we do and if you don’t like it…WE’LL COME AFTER YOU! You think I go too far…you think I exaggerate! For 6,000 years human beings did all kinds of things to and with each other but all of a sudden, 6,000 years of human civilization means NOTHING. For 6,000 years, in various forms, types, ways and ceremonies, MARRIAGE was understood to be between a man and a woman. Today, because their SIN is “special,” 6,000 years of cultural norms are overturned. Younger people today refuse to follow the “accepted” values of their parents and elders. Without having obtained true maturity and wisdom yet, they spurn what older seasoned people advise them to do. The younger generation “thinks” this “special” group deserves to do what “they” want as long as it doesn’t “evolve me or hurt me. The logic is: to each his own! It doesn’t damage anyone? Americans, surely we can’t be that shallow in our analysis. I’ll give you just a few things it damages. Like I mentioned earlier, if people of the same-sex are allowed to marry, it turns certain foundations of civilization upside down i.e., the fundamental family unit. 1. There was an unwritten, generally accepted understanding, that marriage was between a man and a woman. If you are an only child and marry the same-sex, you cut off thousands of years of your family genealogy. 2. You refuse to carry on and give others, what your parents gave you. 3. Your parents are robbed of their blood line grandchildren. “NO CHILDREN mom and dad, because I refuse to do my part.” 4. If men marry men, what are normal young ladies to do. They might succumb to the temptations of drugs, alcohol and God only knows whatever to replace what civilization should have maintained for them, i.e. “normal eligible partners.” I could go on and on in a thoughtful analysis like, homosexuality is a form of population and destruction control, but God gives and has the solution for all of this mess. God’s word says all have sinned. As a sinner, we REPENT and turn to Jesus Christ to save us, or we remain in our sins and perish eternally for rejecting the only Savior, Jesus Christ of Nazareth. There is no special “class, sex, race, or TYPE of sinner who are exempt from the call of God because they say, they are born that way. The choice is clear…men either come to their senses, realize they make mistakes, SIN, and get saved, or they do their own thing and perish. May God help us to come to our senses! Scriptures Gen. 1: 27, 27 “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.” Matt. 19: 4-6, 4“And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female. 5 And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh? 6 Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.” Jude 1: 7, “Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering vengeance of eternal fire.” 1 Cor. 6: 9-10, 9 “Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, 10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.” Romans 1: 26, 27, 26 “For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: 27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.” 1 Timothy 1: 9-10, 9 “Knowing this, that the law is not made for a righteous man, but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and for sinners, for unholy and profane, for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers, 10 For whoremongers, for them that defile themselves with mankind, for men-stealers, for liars, for perjured persons, and if there be any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine;…” Ezekiel 44: 23, “And they shall teach my people the difference between the holy and profane, and cause them to discern between the unclean and the clean.” Leviticus 18: 22, “Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.” Leviticus 20: 13, “If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.” Lying in the church and elsewhere Many of God’s children are “lying” in the church of the Lord Jesus Christ, and wherever they go. Father God is not pleased with this sin. In fact, in the Bible it says, that “lying” is an abomination against Him. The Bible also says, in Proverbs 6:16-19, that God hates six things and seven are an abomination unto him. Amongst the things in Proverbs that God hates, verse 17, a lying tongue and verse 19, a false witness that speaketh lies. The Bible says, God is a God that cannot lie (Titus 1:2; Heb. 6:18; I Sam. 15:29.) If God does not lie, and He is our example, then we as His children should not lie. We as “believers,” are made in the image of God, so we should hate the things that God hates, and we also should not want to lie. The definition of a “lie,” is the sin of making an untrue statement or acting in such a way as to leave a false or misleading impression with the intent to deceive, or to speak deliberate falsehoods. The definition of a “liar,” is someone who does not consistently tell the truth. The definition of “lying,” means not truthful, false, the telling of a lie or lies. There are some Christians in the church who are “lying,” to the “man and woman” of God and also to some of the leadership in church, and that should not be. How in the world, can you look them in their face when you know you lied to them. How can you not feel “guilty” in your heart, knowing that you just lied to the leadership that’s over you. Not only are some of you telling “lies” to the authority or leadership over you in the church, but you are “lying” to people everywhere you go. There are devastating consequences for your actions if you don’t get it right with them and with God. You know who you are. You need to REPENT for the “lies” you told in the past, and the “lies” you are telling now. Really, to be honest with you, you should REPENT about “lying” quickly - as soon as it happens. Why? So the “spirit of lying” won’t come upon you. STOP doing what you are doing. Ask Father God to help you in this area of your life. In the Bible, Acts 5:1-11, it tells the account of Ananias & Sapphira who were Christians and how they sold their land for one price, but “lied” to Peter saying they sold it for a lesser price. For example, they might have sold their land for $100,000, but told Peter they only got $50,000 for it. Their sin was they “lied” to him, not knowing that they were also “lying” to the Holy Ghost in him. This sin cost them both their lives. The Bible says, in Romans 6:23, “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Another account in the Bible in 2 Kings 5:1-27 is the story of Naaman who was the captain of the Syrian army. The Bible says, he was a great man, and honorable. He was sick in his body. He had the skin disease called leprosy. The gist of the story is, Elisha the prophet sent word by his servant, Gehazi to tell Naaman to dip in the River Jordan seven times and he would be healed. When Naaman received the instructions from the prophet, he was angry because the prophet did not deliver word to him himself, and he did not want to dip in the River Jordan cause he felt it was too dirty. Naaman’s servants convinced him to do what the prophet told him to do. Naaman, humbled himself and did what Elisha instructed him to do and he was miraculously healed of leprosy. Naaman, was overjoyed about his miracle from God. He wanted to show his gratitude by blessing the “man of God,” with two talents of silver in two bags, and two changes of garment. Elisha, refused what Naaman wanted to give him. As soon as Elisha turned his back, Gehazi his servant ran after Naaman and his entourage. When Naaman saw him running after him, he stopped the chariot to meet him. He told Naaman, (here’s the “lie,” Gehazi told:”) “My master hath sent me, saying, Behold, even now there be come to me from mount Ephraim two young men of the sons of the prophets: give them, I pray thee, a talent of silver, and two changes of garments. Naaman, gave Gehazi more than what he asked for, and that was two talents of silver in two bags, and two changes of garments. He gave them to two of his servants to give to Gehazi. Gehazi took the merchandise and hid them in the house. He went back to his master, and his master asked him, “where had he been.” Gehazi, did not know that the Spirit of God, had already let Elisha know what he had done. Gehazi, “lied,” again,this time to the “man of God,” saying, “I didn’t go nowhere.” Elisha, let him know what he had done after Naaman was healed. Then he prophesied to Gehazi, “the same leprosy that Naaman had, will come upon you and upon thy seed forever.” Not only was the curse reversed back on Gehazi, but it went down to the generations of people in his family line. The problem with Gehazi was, when he started “lying,” he could not stop. Gehazi, had to suffer the consequences for his actions. You, in the Body of Christ who are “lying,” here is a WARNING to you: be careful “lying” to the “man and woman of God,” because they have the “Spirit of God” in them. When you “lie” to them, you are also “lying” to the Holy Spirit in them. Whoever you are, REPENT of your sin now, and STOP “lying” from this day forward. Another danger in lying, Jesus said Satan is the father (the source) of lies. Therefore if you lie, Satan is working through you without you even realizing it. There are people so caught up in lying that they say “I just can’t stop! They can’t stop because they have done it so much until the devils use them to sow death words and error wherever they go. Remember, the bible says, death and life are in the power of the tongue. When you lie, your sowing death and error. Your being used by the evil one and you don’t even know it. Get delivered now! Ask Jesus Christ to deliver you from lying right now! Scriptures Colossians 3: 9-10, 9 “Lie not one to another, seeing that ye have put off the old man with his deeds; 10 “And have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him:” Leviticus 19:12, “And ye shall not swear by my name falsely, neither shalt thou profane the name of thy God: I am the Lord.” Proverbs 14:5, “A faithful witness will not lie: but a false witness will utter lies.” Proverbs 19:5, “A false witness shall not be unpunished, and he that speaketh lies shall not escape.” Proverbs 19:9, “A false witness shall not be unpunished, and he that speaketh lies shall perish.” Proverbs 12:19, “The lip of truth shall be established for ever: but a lying tongue is but for a moment.” John 8:44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. Revelation 21:8, “But fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.” Marking and mutilating your bodies There are too many Christians marking and mutilating (piercing) their bodies today. There are some wearing a lot of tattoos on all parts of their body, or all over the body. There are some who have piercings in their tongues, more than one piecing in each ear (sometimes around each ear), next to their eyebrows, in their nose, in their chin, on their lips, and ladies: over your belly buttons, etc., etc. We also have Christian men wearing earrings not only in one ear, but both ears. Now, men you should know better. You get the idea. In the Bible in I Corinthians 6: 19, 20 it says, 19 “What? Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? 20 For ye are bought with a price: therefore, glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s. You, who had these things on your body before you got saved, they are “under the blood.” The people I’m talking about are the ones after they got saved, are still going to the tattoo parlors, or buying the earring piercings to add more on their body. Children of God, who are born-again, you cannot do what you want to do with your bodies, or what you see the “world,” or Satan’s children do. The Bible says, your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost. The Bible says, “Do not mark your bodies with tattoos, mutilate your bodies with piercings or cut yourselves (Lev. 19:28.) When I was growing up, you didn’t see the tattoos and piercings on people’s bodies as you see them today. But, I realize it is the end times. It’s so bad today, you see people’s bodies completely covered up with tattoos. It really looks horrible. It is an “evil spirit,” that would cause a person to cover up their body with tattoos. Some of the tattoos you see people walking around with have demonic implications such as demons, devils, dragons, or even a picture of Satan, himself. You think it is cute, but you don’t know that those same pictures you had tattooed on your forearms, or back can manifest i.e., (the demons that the tattoo evokes can come forth) and attack you especially if you are a “believer.” It’s only a tactic of Satan to get you conditioned, so when the “mark of the beast” comes into the picture, then you will be willing to receive his mark underneath your skin, in your right hand or in your forehead. Father God is displeased with this type of sin. When God tells you not to do something, He knows the implications behind it. That’s why He gives us His word, so we won’t fall into the traps that Satan sets up for the “children of God.” He also gives us His word on this so we will know what to do, and what not to do. He also gives us His word on this topic to keep us from repeating what the people back in the Old Testament did. He also gives it to us as a warning. So “children of God,” we need to take heed to what Father God says to us, and instructs us to do. We ought to be thankful that we have a heavenly Father who cares and loves us so much, that He does not want to see anything happen to us. Satan, don’t care anything at all for you. He wants you to go against what God says. He wants you to sin so He can go before God and accuse you, so he can get permission from God to attack you or your family members close to you (Job, Chap. 1 and 2.) In the Bible in Revelation 14: 9-11, God warns His children: 9 “And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, 10 The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: 11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.” In the Bible in Exodus 32, we see Moses still up on Mount Sinai with God awaiting the stone tablets of the Ten Commandments which God wrote with His finger. The people came to Aaron and said to him, “Up, make us gods, which shall go before us; for as for this Moses, the man that brought us up out of the land of Egypt, we don’t know what has become of him.” So Aaron said, unto the people, “Break off the golden earrings, which are in the ears of your wives, of your sons, and of your daughters, and bring them unto me.” All the people obeyed Aaron and did as he instructed them to do. The Bible says, Aaron received all the earrings in hand, fashioned it with a graven tool, after he had made it a molten calf: and the people said, “These be thy gods, O Israel, which brought thee up out of the land of Egypt. Aaron saw it, and he built an altar before it (the molten calf;) and Aaron made proclamation, (something you make known by great announcement) and said, “Tomorrow is a feast to the Lord.” In other words, they were going to have an celebration (to the false god) on the next day which some of them did. Some of the people committed sin before the Lord. The outcome for their sin was the ones who stood for the Lord lived, and the ones who did not come on the Lord’s side, lost their lives on the day Moses returned with the Ten Commandments. Remember parents, we have to set an example before our children. A “child” will imitate what they see their parent (s) do. If there is no parent around, then the child will do what they see their guardian or “elder” do. In other words, if you want your child to live and walk holy before the Lord God, you need to also live and walk holy before God. How do you expect the child to live right when you are not living right. God says do not mark your body. Stand with God and refuse tattoos. Especially take NO mark in your forehead or in your hands! Scriptures Leviticus 19: 28, 28 “Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the LORD.” Leviticus 20: 7-8, 7 “Sanctify yourselves therefore, and be ye holy: for I am the LORD your God.” 8 “And ye shall keep my statutes, and do them: I am the LORD which sanctify you.” Night clubs and juke-joints Children of God, believe it or not, there are some of you hanging out in places that you shouldn’t be. The places I’m referring to is night clubs, bars, and juke joints (liquor houses.) You are now entering Satan’s territory. These places are “wolves dens,” and anything could happen to you there, being a “child of God.” I’m not trying to get into your business, but God is concerned about your well-being. I’m only doing what He called me to do and that is to say what He says. For you who are hanging in these dangerous places, Satan is setting you up to destroy you whether you realize it or not. You can’t serve God, and serve Satan, or the world. You have to make up your mind who you really want to serve. Don’t end up being unstable about what you want to do. Once you make up your mind, you have to stick with your decision. Some of you are sitting in these places, consuming alcohol, beer, wine, and drugs. In these type of places you never know what could happen to you being in the wrong place, at the wrong time, saying and doing the wrong thing. A bullet, doesn’t have a name on it. Here are some scenario’s that I seriously want you to think about: you could be an “innocent” bystander in one of these places, minding your own business. All of a sudden, you end-up shot by a gun that was intended to be for someone else. You can’t dodge and out run a bullet. A “fight” could breakout with you standing in the mist of it, or one of your friends end up getting into a “fight,” and by that person being a friend, you get involved in it to help them, and you end up losing your life, going out into eternity. By the way, you are no longer here, but your friend is still alive. You could be in the vicinity where you see “someone” get killed right before your eyes. You could be dancing on the dance floor and return to your seat at the bar not knowing that someone drugged your drink. After drinking it, you are knocked out, and when you wake up, you are sitting in a bathtub full of ice at a motel with one of your organs taken and you need medical attention immediately. By the way, whoever took your organ had sense enough to leave a “cell phone” and the address of where you are, so you can call 911 emergency for the police to send paramedics to your aid or you could wake up severely sexually abused! What I have given you are just scenarios so you can seriously think about what was said. Child of God, when you first gave your heart and life to Christ, this is one area in your life (partying) you were automatically suppose to give up. This is a SIN, and it is of the “world.” Jesus said, “you are in the world but not of this world.” You are not suppose to act like the world and do what the world does. Only Satan’s children do these things because they know no better. They don’t have the light that you have. They are spiritually blinded to the truth. They have no knowledge of spiritual things or holy living. The Bible says in I Corinthians 2: 14-15, 14 “But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. 15 “But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man.” Let me take a side trip for a moment, Some of you “godly” women say you want a good man, but you end up looking and going to the “wrong”places to get one. What was said, applies for the “godly” men also. The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 6: 14-16, 14 “Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? And what communion hath light with darkness? 15 And what concord hath Christ with Belial? Or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? 16 And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? For ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, ‘I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.” At night clubs, all you end up getting, is a “child” of Satan who will lie to you, use you for what they can get out of you, and if you end up in bed with them, you might end up contracting some bad disease. Also, I want to add that sex with the ungodly, can cause the transfer of demons into your body. Then once it happens, you will need to REPENT to God, and get deliverance to rid you of the demons. Ask yourself, is all that really worth it? If you want a good “man or woman” in your life, I would suggest you go pray to Father God to send you your mate. Why? God knows all things, and He is the only one who can send you the right one you are compatible with. He knows exactly who He want to match you up with. And when He match you up with the right person, you are a perfect match. Father God, specializes in this area. Let Him use His expertise in your situation. Ask God, “godly man or woman,” to send you a “Holy Ghost” filled, tongue talking mate. I hope that the godly wisdom that the Lord imparted in me will tremendously help you. Back to what I was saying about the wrong places God’s children are hanging out in. I know all about the night clubs, and juke joints because I was once a “sinner,” and the Lord Jesus saved me, and filled me with His, Holy Spirit. What cured me of the night clubs, and juke joints was GOD himself. I will tell you the gist of my story: In my day, before I got saved, we use to call them “liquor houses, or after hour joints.” 1. A lady friend of mine and myself was sitting at a bar in one talking, when a man was killed in the club in the basement of that house. Afterwards, that house was shut down immediately and never opened again. 2. The same lady friend of mine and myself attended another one, where a man we knew pulled out a sawed off shotgun from under the seat we were sitting on, to go after someone in the house he had gotten in an argument with. Well, guess what? My lady friend ran out of there, and I hit the floor with a white dress suit on, and crawled all the way out the door till I got to my car which was parked across the street. After that night, we never returned. 3. I went to another one, this time by myself. I felt very uncomfortable in this one. There was also a club in this house with a juke box. I did not stay too long because an argument broke out which led to a fight. I immediately left there and never returned. I got dressed one Saturday night to go to a night club in Hillsborough, North Carolina by myself. I arrived at the club probably after 10:30 p.m. Parked my car, and locked the doors, and entered the club. Got to the ticket booth, paid my $7.00 fee to get in and received a stamp on my right hand that enabled me to leave and return without paying again. This club had three bars. I was going to find a table near the dance floor because I thought to myself “if I sat near the dance floor, maybe I would be able to get more dances.” As I approach the second bar, before I got halfway, I heard a very loud audible voice which drowned out the music to the point, I almost could not hear it. The voice said to me, “GET OUT OF HERE.” When I heard the voice, I knew who it was speaking to me. When the Lord said that to me, He sounded like He was angry with me. I did not hesitate when I heard Him. I immediately turned around, started back out the club, got in my car, and drove home. From that night forward, I never stepped another foot in the night clubs or juke joints. I really believe if I had not obeyed God’s voice that I would have lost my life on that night and I would not be here with you today. Father God was not through with me. After that night, He visited me at my parent’s home. My mother had died in 1983, and my dad lived somewhere else in my hometown. I was at home all by myself, rocking in a recliner in the living room, when a loud audible voice said to me, “DO YOU WANT TO LIVE, OR DO YOU WANT TO DIE?” When I recognized that it was the Lord again, I broke down crying immediately with crocodile tears and I answered Him by saying out loud, “I WANT TO LIVE.” Well, from that day forward, I got serious with God. I hurried up and rededicated my life back to Him because I was in backslidden state. I didn’t “backslide” on Him again. I made a promise to the Lord that day, I would never backslide on Him ever again. Afterwards, I never wanted to hang out in dangerous places again. Could it have been, this happened to me because at that time, I had a “calling” on my life from the Lord and didn’t know it. Yes, I believe that’s exactly what it was. It was years later when the Lord revealed to me, what my “calling” was. Even when I was out there in my mess, the Lord was merciful to me, and His hand of protection was upon me. Thank you, Lord Jesus for giving me another chance. The last thing I want to say is, I could have lost my life in any of those places when I think back about it. The same thing goes for the lady friend of mine who hung out with me. There’s an old saying in the world, “three strikes and you’re out.” If it wasn’t for the Lord’s mercy and hand upon me at that time, I would not be here or be able to tell you about it today. Child of God, you seriously better think about the places you are hanging out in. Your enemy, Satan has set a trap for you to take you out or destroy you. Enough said. Scriptures Galatians 5:21, “Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God. I Peter 4:3, “For the time past of our life may suffice us to have wrought the will of the Gentiles, when we walked in lasciviousness, lusts, excess of wine, revellings, banquetings, and abominable idolatries:…” Not walking in love towards each other The Bible says, “God is love.” Some people in the Body of Christ are not walking in love towards each other. They are gossiping, backbiting some of their leadership, and brethren behind their back. There are some who mistreat others, manipulate, and verbally abuse their brothers and sisters in Christ with their mouths. There are others who are not compassionate, caring, and will not help them in any type of capacity. Those same folks they mistreated are the ones they continue to “grin and cheese”with like nothing ever happened. Your behavior is “out of order,” and “out of line,” with the word of God. The Bible says in John 15:12, 17, Jesus commanded us as God’s children that we love one another, as He have loved us. If you are a person who is not walking in love towards your brothers, sisters, and leadership in Christ, you need to seriously REPENT and ask God for forgiveness, and ask Father God to help you in this area. Ask Him to put more love in your heart so you can love people. Ask Him to change you, to make you, mold you, and shape you more and more in His image. Ask Him to help you get rid of the things in your heart that’s not like Him. Examine yourself. Examine your heart, to see if you are where you suppose to be with the Lord. Pray and ask God to conform you completely into the image of His dear Son. The perfect example of a person who really displayed love is the Lord Jesus Christ. He is our example, for how we are to treat people. If you can’t treat people right on the earth, how in the world are you going to be able to treat them right in heaven. You have to get it right down here first because that type of conduct will not be tolerated in heaven. When Jesus was on the earth as God manifested in the flesh, He treated everyone right especially His enemies. Jesus, loved us so much He gave His life up on earth at an early age, to die for all mankind. Besides Him doing the perfect will of the Father, He set Himself aside to “die” for all the “sin of the world.” No one else could do what He did. No one else would have done what He did. He offered Himself as a “sacrificial offering” for us. He took our place on Calvary, being crucified. He loved us so much, He died in our place. If He had not died in our place, then we would not be here today. He took an awful beating for us, being whipped thirty-nine (39) times across His back, and His skin tore open for us. He was nailed to the cross, and suffered on the cross. He went through excruciating pain while hanging on that rugged cross. The crown of thorns on His head, stuck in his head and blood ran down his face. He was pierce in His side, blood and water came out of His side and ran down His body into the ground. Jesus paid it all, for us to be here today. He was “sinless,” and “innocent,” when He died for us. He had not committed any crime or did any type of injustice. He had done nothing wrong. He just wanted to please His Father, and He did. What Jesus did, really illustrates love. Think about it, “would you be willing to sacrifice yourself and give your life up for someone else?” I can’t think of any human being that would do that, but Jesus did. “Saints, get it right today. For you who have not been treating others right, especially church “folk,” make up your mind, and say to yourself that you do not want to do it anymore. Say to yourself, that you want to make a change and do better starting today. Make sure you get it right with the Father first by asking Him to forgive you for mistreating (call their names out). If you can’t recall their names, ask the Father to forgive you of your sins, knowingly and unknowingly. Clean up your slate with God, go forward, and start all over again treating “folk” right, the leadership, and the “brethren.” Scriptures John 13: 34, 35, 34 “A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another, as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. 35 By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.” Romans 12: 9, 10, 9 “Let love be without dissimulation. Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good. 10 Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another;…” I Peter 1:22, “Seeing ye have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit unto unfeigned love of the brethren, see that ye love one another with a pure heart fervently:…” I John 4: 7, 8, 7 “Beloved, let us loved one another: for love is of God; and everyone that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. 8 “He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.” I John 3:18, “My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but indeed and in truth.” I John 4:11, “Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to love one another.” Prayer Body of Christ, some of you are not spending enough quality time with God in prayer. This is an area you need to do better in. Do you know the Satanists spend more time in prayer than we do and that should not be. They serve a false god “Satan” and we serve the one, true, and living God. The Satanists pray twenty-four (24) hours a day. The reason why I know this to be true is because my husband, Pastor Williams, when we lived in Texas, took a flight on American Airlines. He was sitting in “first class,” reading the Holy Bible when the man sitting next to him wanted to know, “what are you reading.” My husband, replied that he was reading the Holy Bible. The man asked my husband, “are you a Christian?” My husband replied to the man, “yes.” In a long conversation, the man let my husband know that he was a Satanist,” and that their people pray twenty-four hours a day for the break-up of Christian churches, homes, and especially marriages. There were also other things that came out in the conversation. The point is, my husband let me know, so I’m passing the information on to you. That man divulged much because he told my husband a lot of things that goes on in the occult. There is an old saying that the world says, “Loose lips, sink ships.” You could tell the man was missing an elevator going up because he knew my husband was a Christian, and he was a “Satanist,” but he still sat there and told all the business concerning the occult. He did not know my husband, and had never seen him before in his life, but he still sat there and divulged this critical information with a stranger. WAKE UP BODY OF CHRIST. The “Satanists” pray for Christian marriages to break up, that there be divisions within the Christian churches, that ministries of the Lord Jesus Christ break up. Saints, if we never prayed before, this is a “praying” time right now. Father God wants His children to spend time with Him in prayer each day. There are so many issues in the world, in the church, in the family that need prayer. Some of us are too busy with our jobs, schedules, and family for example, and we don’t have time to pray like we should. Saints, you have to make yourself take “time out” to pray whether you want to or not. How do you expect to hear from God! Without prayer, how do you expect your spirit man to be strengthened. How do you expect to hear that “still small voice” speak to you in your spirit? You have to be spiritually sensitive, to be able to hear from the Holy Spirit. How do you expect your “spirit man” to get built up with the Word. You need prayer every day. You need a closeness with God, you need His presence, His wisdom, encouragement, strength, and to be rejuvenated, etc. You cannot pray for 10-15 minutes each day and expect God to do an extraordinary miracle for you. You need much time with God in prayer every day. If you can’t do two straight hours, then break it up in intervals. I pray with Father God early in the mornings every day, after I awaken. That’s my time I spend with Him, and I prefer spending time with Him before I get too busy during the day with other things. It’s been times in my life where I have spent time with Father God in prayer for 1 ½ - 2 hours. Someday, I want to get to the place with God praying at least 3-5 hours in a day. Since my husband spends quality time with God in prayer, he has a very close relationship with Father God. God talks to him in prayer, instructs him, give him answers to his questions, and He gives him direction. The more you pray, the more you will go to higher heights, and deeper depths in Him. Body of Christ, PRAY. PRAY WITHOUT CEASING. The Bible says, “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” Scriptures Jeremiah 29:12, “Then shall ye call upon me, and ye shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you.” Isaiah 65:24, “And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear.” Job 22:27, “Thou shalt make thy prayer unto him, and he shall hear thee,…” Matthew 6:6, “But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.” Psalm 91:15, “And call upon me, and I will answer him:…” Isaiah 58:9, “Then shalt thou call, and the Lord shall answer, thou shalt cry, and he shall say, here I am…” Proverbs 15:29, “The Lord is far from the wicked: but he heareth the prayer of the righteous.” Psalm 34:17, “The righteous cry, and the Lord heareth, and delivereth them out of all their troubles.” Pride Many of the children in the Body of Christ, have a “spirit of pride.” Some of them know they have pride, and there are others who do not know they have pride. This is an area where God Himself will have to break the yoke off of you. The only way pride can be broken off of you is God’s anointing. The Bible says, the anointing destroys the yoke (Isaiah 10:27.) The Bible also says, in Proverbs 16:18, “Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.” The definition of pride means: an unduly high opinion of oneself; haughtiness; arrogance; to be proud of. In the Bible, in Proverbs 6:16-17 it talks about six things the Lord hate and seven are an abomination unto him. In verse 17, it mentions a “proud look,” which is pride. Before Satan became Satan, he was known as Lucifer in heaven. One of the reasons why he is not in heaven today is because of pride. He was the anointed cherub that covereth the throne of God. One day, he got in rebellion against God and caused one third of God’s angels to rebel against God because he thought more highly of himself. He wanted God to bow down and worship him, and he wanted the throne of God. He, and one-third of God’s angels who rebel against God, was cast out of heaven. Satan is no longer in heaven, but he has access to heaven (Job, Chap. 1 & 2.) Go to Ezekiel 28, and read it in your spare time. This chapter talks about Satan. Where Satan messed up with God is when his heart was lifted up, and he said, “I am God,” and he set his heart as the heart of God. The Bible says, in Isaiah 42:8, “I am the Lord: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images.” In my life, a couple years ago, God delivered me from “pride.” Even after deliverance, this is something I have to guard against for the rest of my life on earth because it can come back unawares. In my case, I did not know I had the “spirit of pride” in me. What use to happen with me is my flesh would rise up or “bristle up.” I did not like that feeling when it happened. I didn’t know that “pride” was operating in me, and that it was the cause of my flesh “rising up.” What would make my flesh “rise up,” is when I didn’t agree with other people about what they said, or I felt like I knew more than they did, or I would interrupt people in their conversation and tell them what I thought about the subject matters discussed. In 2007, I took a trip home to North Carolina because I was on vacation. My friend’s sister, who at that time had just come off a forty (40) day fast, the Lord had her to call me at her sister’s house. When she reached me, she greeted me, but she also let me know the Lord had her to call me because He wanted to tell me something. She said, “The Lord told me to tell you, GET RID OF IT.” So I replied to her, “GET RID OF WHAT?” Afterwards, she told me, He said, “GET RID OF PRIDE.” Immediately, when I heard that, I broke down crying on the phone because I knew “pride, ”was of the devil. The next day, that morning, I spent time at my aunt’s house, on my knees, crying out to God and praying to Him about the “spirit of pride” in me. I was asking the Lord to remove that “stinking stuff” from me, to help me get rid of it, that I didn’t want it in me, because it’s of the devil. I stayed on the floor for a while in my prayer room, crying, slinging snot, and venting out (crying out) to the Lord because I knew in my heart, He is the only one who can remove “pride” from me. But you have to really want it, for God to take it away from you. I did not get up from the floor until I knew in my heart that God’s anointing had broken this “yoke” off of me, and I felt a “release in my spirit.” Afterwards, I never had another problem with my flesh “rising up,” or “bristling up” on me again. Thank you, Jesus. Saints, the Bible says in Proverbs 29:23, “A man’s pride shall bring him low: but honour shall uphold the humble in spirit.” The Bible also says in Proverbs 8:13, “The fear of the Lord is to hate evil: pride, and arrogancy (know it all, big-headed), and the evil way, and the froward (willful, contrary) mouth, do I hate.” If you are guilty of this sin, please pray and ask Father God to forgive you of it. REPENT, right now before you forget to. This particular sin, God really hates. Ask God to help you in this area. If He did it for me, guess what? He will do it for you. He is no respecter of persons. What He do for one, He will do for another. The Bible says in Proverbs 16:19, “Better it is to be of an humble spirit with the lowly, than to divide the spoil with the proud.” PRIDE will “mess you up” with GOD. “GET RID OF IT.” Scriptures 2 Chronicles 7:14, “I my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” Isaiah 5:21, “Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight.” Job 40:12, “Look on every one that is proud, and bring him low; and tread down the wicked in their place.” Proverbs 21:4, “An high look, and a proud heart, and the plowing of the wicked, is sin.” Psalm 119:21, “Thou hast rebuked the proud that are cursed, which do err from thy commandments.” Proverbs 28: 25-26, 25 “He that is of a proud heart stirreth up strife: but he that putteth his trust in the Lord shall be made fat. 26 “He that trusteth in his own heart is a fool: but whoso walketh wisely, he shall be delivered.” Matthew 23:12, “And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted.” James 4:6, “But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble.” James 4:10, “Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up.” Profanity Whether you know it or not in the Body of Christ, we have some “Christians,” who use profanity out of their mouths, and that should not be. When I talk about “cuss” words, I’m saying that they use “vulgar language,” or “foul” words. Also, when I’m out “witnessing,” if I hear “cussing,” I will walk boldly over to that person and ask them the question, “Do you know Jesus Christ as your personal Lord & Savior?” Have you open your mouth and asked Jesus to save you? I will either quote what Romans 10:9, 10 says, or show it to them in my Bible. A few of them will reply and say “yes,” they have asked Jesus to save them. Prior, to me going over to them to ask them the question, they just got through spewing a few “cuss” words from their mouth. Our God is a “holy” God. So if He is holy, we as “Christians,” or “believer’s” should be “holy” in our conduct, and everything else we say or do. Jesus is our perfect example for how we as “Christians,” should walk before God. When Jesus was on the earth, there is nowhere in the Bible where you read that Jesus “cussed.” Well, Jesus is our example, that means we should follow him and not say “cuss” words from our mouth neither. If the “sinner” man sees you “cussing,” what do you think he or she will say about you to themselves. They probably would say, “why should I go down there to that church when they do and act the same way I do.” What you just did, you gave them a “negative” opinion of the church. You also caused that “soul” not to be won for the kingdom of God. It especially is in bad taste when you see a woman who is a “child of God,” cussing like a sailor. Every time she opens her mouth, a cuss word comes from it. How can she expect someone to respect her when she does not respect herself as a lady. She might think it’s cute to do what she is doing, but it cause others to look down on her, and not want to be around her, or in the vicinity where she is. Then, she wonders why no one wants to hold a conversation with her, or associate with her. It’s because of your “nasty mouth,” and the words that come forth from it. A few years back, in the early morning in my sleep, the Lord was talking to me about some of His children who are using profanity. For the ones, He is talking about, He referred to you as “toxic mouths.” The Bible in Matthew 12:34-37, Jesus says, “….for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.” In verse 35, He says a good man out of their treasure of the heart bring good things and an evil man out of their treasure bringeth forth evil things. Notice, what Jesus says in verse 36, “that every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.” Jesus closes it out by saying, by the words you speak shall you be justified (to be free from blame or guilt) and by the words you speak shall you be condemned. In the Bible in James 3:5, it talks about the tongue is a little member and boasteth great things. In verse 6, it says, “the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity (wickedness,) so is the tongue amongst our members that it defileth the whole body and setteth on course of nature; and it is set on fire of hell.” Notice, what verse 8 says, “But the tongue can no man tame; it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison.” Saints, if we say we are “children of God,” we have to walk as children of God and not as a “hypocrite. What is a hypocrite? Someone who says or pretends to be one thing, and does another. In other words, “saints,” you have to walk the walk and talk the talk. The Bible says, “not only be hearers of the word, but doers of the word also.” Here are listed real life examples of some of my experiences with people who “cussed.” In 2009, I remember working with a house-cleaning company. The woman, who ran It, was the Business manager and “boss.” While I was in the office filling out the application before being interviewed for the job, she wanted me to know that she was a “Christian.” During the conversation, every few minutes, she would spew out of her mouth “cuss” words. I thought to myself, she can’t be a “Christian,” with a nasty mouth like that. What kind of “Christian” is she? She continued on in the conversation, letting me know that she needed to stop smoking, but never once did she say she need to stop “cussing” so much. She could have been an attractive lady, if it wasn’t for her mouth. But her mouth messed her up. The “cussing” that came out of her mouth, took away from her looks. If you had been there and heard her, you might say to yourself, if she “cusses” like that, I need to be careful how much time I spend in her presence and not let her profanity get down into my spirit and defile me. I was hired for the job, but only worked three weeks with the company. Every morning at our meetings before going out to clean residential homes, she would “cuss” loud in front of everyone. She set a “bad” example before the employees. Some of the people did not respect her because she did not respect herself as the supervisor. What she was doing, only caused other employees to “cuss” too. They were only imitating what they saw and heard her do. That “spirit of cussing” she had attached itself on others that were around her, or who had worked there longer than myself. People would say something to her about her “cussing,” but she would laugh it off, and go back to “cussing” again. She could not stop “cussing” on her own. This woman needed deliverance, and only God can break that “yoke” (cussing) off of her. She had to have been “cussing” for a while. After three weeks, I finally quit the job because of the very “hard work,” and because I got tired of that woman’s mouth. I had had enough of her. Whether she really was a “Christian,” or not, I’m not to judge, but I do know she really needed God to help her. Also, in 2009, I was working through a temporary agency. They sent me to work in a factory on the assembly line for two nights. There were people lined up on both sides of the conveyor belt. Not too far from me on the other side was a young man who tried to test me about the Bible the second night I was there. Somehow, I believe someone let him know that I was a pastor’s wife. He started asking me questions about the Bible characters in the Old Testament. Prior to asking me questions, he “cussed” both nights I was there. The first night he “cussed,” which didn’t set well with me at all, but I kept my peace. I kept quiet and would not say anything to him on the first night. The second night, he started up again with the “cussing,” and I said to myself, I have had enough of it. I started to get on his case about it. I stopped him from asking me anymore questions about the Bible because I felt like a Christian would not be cussing and using God’s name in vain. I asked him, do you believe in Jesus, and he replied to me “yes.” I proceeded on by saying to him, “why don’t you ask JESUS to clean up your nasty mouth because a “child of God,” does not use God’s name in vain. When I said that, everyone on the line in the vicinity of the both of us, heard what I had said to him and it got real quiet for a few minutes. The young man dropped his head. I did not hear another cuss word from his mouth that night. Thank you, JESUS. Saints, sometimes you have to put your foot down as a “Christian.” You have to speak your mind with holy boldness. Christians and “believers” in the Body of Christ should not be fellowshipping with Satan’s children and the world. You should not be around the “unsaved” or “unbeliever’s all the time, or even be best friends with them because they don’t believe in your God like you do, and they are against God and the things of God. If you hang around them long enough, sooner or later you will start acting like they do. If you are a “lamb” of God, you will pick up some of their bad “traits,” like using profanity. If you stay around “a child of the devil,” long enough, and they are constantly cussing out of their mouth, eventually, the words they speak forth will rub off on you, and before long, you will find yourself cussing too. Then you wonder where you picked up the habit of cussing, not knowing you picked it up from being around a “child of the devil,” instead of being around other “godly” people who can influence you and help you in your spiritual walk with God. If you “cuss” you will find yourself having to go to God in prayer to REPENT to Him for your “toxic” mouth and your “toxic” words. Ask God to help you in this area. He’s the only one who can help you to stop cussing. The only thing a “Christian,” should be doing around an unbeliever or unsaved person is, witnessing, ministering, passing out Bible tracts, or preaching the “gospel news” to that lost soul who desperately need Jesus as Savior in their life. The Holy Spirit, will bring conviction to their heart and cause them to turn from their evil and wicked ways. REPENT, ask God for forgiveness, and get born-again (John 3: 3, 5, 7) of His Spirit. Afterwards, you can associate with the new convert because they will need a strong Christian to be around if they need to ask questions about their conversion, they don’t understand. If you are not able to explain “conversion,” to the new convert, you can suggest to them your local assembly or the name of the pastor of the church you attend, give them a church business card where they can contact the pastor or wife, or maybe someone in leadership in the church. Or, that new convert can attend the church of their choice somewhere else. New convert, I would advise you to pray, and ask Father God, in Jesus name to lead you to the church He wants you to fellowship in. The new convert will need to stay under strong “saints,” who are rooted and grounded in the word of God, until they grow up spiritually, where they can stand up on their own two feet as “sheep.” The Bible says, “Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together,…” Before 1982, when I was young, what happened to me is, I use to hang around with people who were “unsaved.” They cussed a lot, and by me being around them for some time, I started “cussing” too along with them. Now, I will say, I never used God’s name in vain, but I should not have been “cussing” at all. Saints, people can influence you to do the wrong things. Being around these people for a while, their “cussing,” rubbed off on me. When I got saved in 1982, I realized the “cussing,” that I was doing was not of God, and I wanted it to stop. I did not want to be representing God knowing that I still had that in me. I went to God in prayer, a couple of nights back-to-back, and asked Him to take “cussing,” away from me. I asked Him to remove it from me. He did just that. Father God cleaned up my mouth. Afterwards, I let the people go who were a “bad” influence on me, and found new friends in the church I attended. Saints, if you find you need help in this area, do what I did and go to the Father, and get help for this particular “sin” in your life. If He did it for me, He will do it for you. Don’t forget to REPENT about this sin. Acknowledge your sin before Him. God is no respecter of persons, what He does for one, He will do for another. Saints, if you want to be delivered from drugs, smoking, alcohol, prostitution, pornography, anger, bitterness, envy, jealousy, pride, prejudice, murder, etc., you have to go to the deliverer, Jesus Christ and cry out to Him so He can send His anointing,” down from heaven upon you to destroy the yoke in your life, whatever it may be. Father God, gave us our mouths to edify Him (to lift Him up,) to praise Him, to worship Him, to glorify Him, to magnify Him, to acknowledge Him, to reverence Him, to exalt Him as Almighty God. Saints, WATCH what you say with your mouth. Use your mouth to give God the glory He deserves! Scriptures Proverbs 11:9, “An hypocrite with his mouth destroyeth his neighbor: but through knowledge shall the just be delivered.” Proverbs 15:2, “The tongue of the wise useth knowledge aright: but the mouth of fools poureth out foolishness.” Proverbs 18: 6, 7, 6 “A fool’s lips enter into contention, and his mouth calleth for strokes.” 7 “A fool’s mouth is his destruction, and his lips are the snare of his soul.” Rebellion In the beginning, when God created Adam and Eve, they were “perfect.” They had no “flaws or imperfections.” I believe in my heart that when they “sinned,” and disobeyed God’s commandment, not to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, they lost their lease to Satan, and the “spirit of rebellion,” from that day forward entered all the generations throughout time. Remember, that Adam was the “father of all living,” and Eve was the “mother of all living.” In the Bible, just like the “children of Israel,” had a rebellious nature, the same thing applies to people today. People continue to be rebellious. Rebellion is a sin. It is also a spirit. The definition of rebellion means going against what God told you to do, or not doing what God told you to do, disobedience, or resistance. There are devastating consequences for a “child of God,” who does not carry out what God called them to do. A person can also be in rebellion towards a “man or woman” of God, or the leadership in the church. A child can be in rebellion against their parents and teachers. A wife can be in rebellion against her husband, or vice-versa. We as “children of God,” have to realize, we can’t tell God what to do, but we are to do what He commands us to do, whether we like it or not. We have no say-so in the matter. Satan uses rebellion in a “child of God,” to keep them down, and to hinder them from receiving from God. Rebellion keeps them from reaching their full potential in God, keeps them from flowing in the gifts of God, keeps them from being healed in their body, keeps them from receiving miracles, keeps them from prospering financially, and being used by God in any capacity. Satan also uses rebellion against you, because He knows you are a threat to his kingdom, and he will do whatever he can to stop you. But, how many know, the Bible says, No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper;… Satan, wants to turn you away from God. “Children of God,” don’t let him get the advantage over you. You, who are in rebellion against God, STOP it right now, today. Make up in your mind and heart that you never want to come against your heavenly Father ever again. Afterwards, go do what God told you to do. REPENT to Him about your sin, and ask Him to forgive you for not obeying Him. Some of you who are in backslidden condition, God has called you to do a work for Him. You know who you are. He has given you an assignment and His instructions. But, you are running from your “calling.” You might run for a while, but you won’t get away. God is a patient God. Somewhere, down the road you will get tired of running from God. Hopefully, one day, you will end up back where you started, and that is with God. In your case, I hope you don’t wait until it’s too late, or end up running out of time or you go out into eternity without your “assignment” being completed. How do you expect to receive your “rewards,” in heaven when you didn’t follow His instructions. You are really going to be hurt, when you see Jesus handing “crowns” to other saints as their “reward” for being faithful and obedient, and you with little. It will be your own fault. You will have no one to blame but yourself, because He gave you plenty of time and opportunity to get it right with Him. 1. Rebellion against God, in some cases, can lead to destruction and death. If God sees you are not willing to change and do it His way, He will take His hand off you. For instance, the “great woman of God,” back in the 1800’s, known as Maria Woodsworth Etter, or “Ma Etter.” At first, she was running from the “calling” on her life by God. God called her to preach the gospel. Well, by her being in “rebellion,” and not doing what God told her to do, this is what happened in her family: her first and second husband died. She had about six children, all of them died except for one. She got real sick in her body, where she was lying on her back to the point of death. While lying on her back helpless, she got tired of the condition she was in. She made a “promise” to God, if He healed her, she would go wherever He said, to preach the gospel. God healed her completely in her body immediately. From that day forward, she preached the “gospel news,” of the kingdom, and God used her in a mighty way with many “signs and wonders” following in the name of Jesus. Yes, He used her for His purpose and for His glory. I believe she succumbed in her early 80’s. Right now today, many people still remember this “great woman of God.” 2. In other cases, God have been known to no longer use a person. He will not permit a person to participate in any ministry or kingdom work, because of their participation in gross sins. The Holy Spirit will no longer work in them or through them. The Holy Ghost will no longer come upon them. Once this happens, the enemy Satan, will have a field day with them. He will be able to attack them more and more in their life and their loved ones lives. Why? Because of the open door of sin. Satan can attack them in every area of their life because they decided they want to have it their way, or they are going to do what they want to do, instead of humbling themselves, and doing it God’s way. “Child of God,” you are really out of order with God, and His word if you do things your way. I must say, it is an honor and privilege when Father God asks you to do something for Him. It’s not every day a person gets a chance to do something for God. For you who are walking in disobedience and rebellion. STOP IT right now. God can find someone else who will be glad to take your place, and I guarantee that person will be glad to do what God instructs them to do. It is your choice. God always, has a “ram in the bush.” Child of God, you seriously better think about what you are doing. 3. There are also some ministers, under leadership, who, in their heart, are in rebellion against the leadership of their church or ministry. The pastor, or whoever it is that is over you, has asked you to do something pertaining to the ministry, and you didn’t do it with your whole heart. You made up excuses, or lied to them, but you still today, have not done what they told you. If you just happen to be one of those people, you are playing on dangerous turf. The “man or woman” of God, and whoever God uses in leadership, is His mouthpiece. They are also His “anointed” vessels. They are the ones who really hear from God when they stand behind the “pulpit,” and deliver the message that God gives them, to bring to you. Also, they are your “shepherds,” who are appointed by God to pray for you, and watch over your soul. They are constantly praying for you. I would advise, don’t go against them. When you go against the “man or woman” of God, and leadership, you are coming against God who put them there. You wonder why you can’t go higher in the Lord, or why you can’t be used by God in the ministry the way that He wants to use you. It’s because you won’t permit yourself to be guided by the leadership that God has placed over you. Ask yourself, do you really want to not be used by God?” No. I would hope not. When you are in rebellion against God, you open a door for demonic attack from Satan. The only way, this door can be shut, you have to go to God and REPENT for what you have done, and then REPENT to your leadership. In the Bible, Numbers 16 is the account of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram’s rebellion against Moses. They resented Moses leadership over them. The earth opened up and swallowed them, their households, and everything they owned for coming against the “man of God.” Also, in the Bible is the story of the children of Israel, in the wilderness. Although, God performed “great miracles” before their eyes, they still rebelled against Him and Moses. God told them to enter the promise land but they refused because of their fear of the giants in that land. They brought on themselves the loss of not going into the land of milk and honey! God would not permit them to go over. They stayed in the wilderness for forty years until their carcasses fell (died,) because of their unbelief. Their children and grandchildren, were the only ones who entered the Promised land with Joshua as leader. Again, if you are in fear and rebellion take time out to REPENT, and get that thing right with God. Pray to God, and come against the “spirit of rebellion,” in Jesus name. Bind it up, and rebuke it in Jesus name. You can pray, Father God, in the name of Jesus. I confess that I have been in rebellion,” against you. I’m sorry for coming against you and not doing what you told me to do. Please forgive me Lord. Lord Jesus, remove this “rebellious nature,” from me. Help me in this area. Thank you Father God for forgiving me. In Jesus name. Amen. And (come against that spirit), “Spirit of rebellion,” or “rebellious spirit,” I speak to you in the mighty name of Jesus. I command you, “spirit of rebellion” to cease your works and operation against me. I break your power to operate in my life. I bind you up, “spirit of rebellion,” and I command you to GOOOOOO from me right now, in Jesus name. Amen. SPEAK IT WITH AUTHORITY and SPEAK IT OUT LOUD. Scriptures 1 Samuel 15:23, “For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because thou hast rejected the word of the LORD, he hath also rejected thee from being king. Job 34; 37, “For he addeth rebellion unto his sin, he clappeth his hands among us, and multiplieth his words against God. Prov. 17: 11, “An evil man seeketh only rebellion: therefore a cruel messenger shall be sent against him.” Jeremiah 28: 16, “Therefore thus saith the LORD; Behold, I will cast thee from off the face of the earth: this year thou shalt die, because thou hast taught rebellion against the LORD. Serving false gods There are people in the world today, in the United States of America, who are serving “false gods,” instead of the one true and living God, Jesus Christ. The Bible says, in John 14:6, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” Jesus, is the door, and the only door to heaven. There is no other way to get to heaven but through Jesus Christ. In the Bible, Acts 4:12 it says, “Neither is there salvation in any other: For there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” There are so many people who are trying their best to find another way to get to heaven other than through Jesus. These people have even gone to the point where they want to establish a “one-world system,” or “one-world government,” which is Satan’s system. They want to say that it is “other ways” to get to heaven other than through Jesus Christ. Well, the “devil is a liar.” And you who believe there is another way other than Jesus, you are in deception by Satan. All these false gods, you are serving didn’t pay the ultimate price for all mankind’s sin, but Jesus did. They were not nailed to the cross, did not take an awful beating, did not shed any of their blood, was not pierced in their side whereby, blood and water came forth, and did not endure excruciating pain. They did not die, and resurrect on the third day, and they certainly, are not alive today. Only Jesus did these things. Only Jesus paid that price. Jesus died, but He is alive today. The Bible says, He is on the right hand of God the Father on the heavenly throne (Heb. 12:2.) In regard to false gods, we have some people serving their children, dogs, cats, houses, cars, sports teams, jobs, money, etc. We also have others who serve mother earth, cows, alligators, crocodiles, trees, grass, horses, pigs, etc. We have some foreigners who come to this country to live, but they bring their “false gods” with them such as statues of their “gods.” And there are people from other regions around the world in different “religions,” who are also serving “false gods.” In the Old Testament, you will find that people were serving false gods such as: ashtoreth, baal, baal-peor, dagon, remphan, venus (NT,) etc. People were so deceived they would offer up their own children to be sacrificed up to false gods to be burned up. The definition of an idol from the Random House College dictionary says, an image, as a statute or other material object, worshipped as a deity; a deity other than God. Another definition of an idol is anything you love and put ahead of God Almighty. If you put your spouse, children, job, investments or anything else before God, that’s your idol. Anything that takes the place of God in your life is an idol. In the Bible in Matthew 6:24, Jesus says, “No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other.” “Ye cannot serve God and mammon.” In other words, what I’m saying to some of you is, you care more about your possessions than going to church on a regular basis, or worshipping the Lord for two hours or more, or attending services during the week including Sunday night, or spending quality time with the Lord in prayer, or even spending time in the holy word of God. Some of you carry a Bible to church, but when you get back home, you lay it down and not open it again until the next time you attend church. Now, that’s a shame, and you ought to be ashamed. How do you expect to grow spiritually in the Lord, when you don’t read, meditate, or study it. It is amazing to me, “saints,” that some of those same people can attend a baseball, basketball, or football game in person or via television, pack it out, sit up in the benches screaming or yelling to the top of their lungs. But, when they attend church services they sit there reserved or dignified, and not lift up their hands to the creator of heaven and earth, who has been so good to them all their lives, nor open their mouth and say to Him, “thank you.” You won’t even praise Him for all the things He’s done for you. You rather sit there in the church services as “dead” as you can be. You have the nerve to go to sleep on the “man or woman” of God that’s bringing the message forth and for your benefit. After service, if someone was to ask you what did your pastor preach, or the title of the message, or the gist of what the message was about, you can’t remember anything that was said. Body of Christ, it’s time to WAKE UP. Too many of you are sleeping, not knowing the things that will come in these end times. It’s now a praying time, a time to get more serious with God. You have to know without a doubt in your heart, who God is, and the God you serve. I believe in my heart, we don’t have too many more years on earth before Jesus return. When the peace covenant is signed in Israel, and the antichrist and false prophet come forth, ask yourself, what will you do? Once the “peace covenant” is signed, we will only have seven years left of human government. There will be 3 ½ years peace, and 3 ½ years great tribulation. Will you accept “the mark of the beast” in your forehead, or in your right hand? If you take the mark, you will be able to buy and sell. If you don’t take the mark, then you won’t be able to buy and sell. (Rev. 13.) Saints, according to Rev. 14: 9-11, Father God warns His children about taking the mark, and pledging allegiance to the beast (antichrist.) He says if you take the mark, you will be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb (Jesus):…” Will you accept the “mark of the beast,” so you will be able to buy and sell? You don’t know what you will do and what you won’t do until that time comes. Some of you will be so desperate to the point, to save yourself and your children from starving, you will take the mark so you and your children can eat. Instead of you trusting in the Lord to provide for you at that time, with “supernatural provision,” like He did for the “children of Israel” in the wilderness, when He sent quail to them, manna from heaven to them, and made water gush out of a rock. He did that for them for forty years. He sent meat in the mouth of a raven to feed Elijah, the prophet. He made meal multiply, where it did not run out for the rest of the widow woman of Zarephath’s life, because she obeyed the prophet. Well, if God did it for them surely, He will do it for you. Father God is not going to let any of His children starve. But, you have to believe He can do it because nothing is too hard for Him. For the Bible says, “For my God shall supply all my need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” The Bible refers to our God, as Jehovah-Jireh which means “God will provide.” Will you stand your ground when the time comes, by not taking the “mark of the beast,” or will you sell out to the one-world government, one-world system, or one-world order (Satan’s system.)? Some of you might take the “mark,” because you can’t stand to depart from your possessions. Will you be like the rich young ruler who had many possessions and wealth. Jesus offered him the gift of eternal life and he turned it down because he preferred his possessions and wealth. It cost him his soul and eternal damnation in hell. Ask yourself, “are you willing to give up all your possessions to stand firm for the Lord Jesus Christ?” That’s why the Lord doesn’t want us to get attach to these things that He blesses us with, so they won’t take the place of Him in your life, and when it comes time for you to depart from them, it will be easy for you to let go. He does not want us to worship anything, other than Him. He does not want you to even love the things you possess. He does not want you to put these things first before Him. We cannot take these things with us when we leave here, or when this world ends, because our possessions will be destroyed. If you stand for Jesus all the way, your reward will be great in heaven. The questions, that I asked you, are for you to start thinking about now, before that time comes. If you decide to choose Jesus and go all the way with Him, He will take you through, and cause you to endure what you have to face. The ones who are born-again, (the Spirit of God in you), He will take you through it, He will enable you to do what you cannot do in yourself, and He will bring you out a “winner.” Again, I want to reiterate, if Father God took care of two million people in the wilderness for forty years, surely, you must know, He will also take care of you. There are other accounts in the New Testament, where Jesus, Himself multiplied food for a crowd of four thousand, and for a multitude of five thousand people with only two fish, and five loaves of bread. Everyone who was there that day, did not leave there hungry. Also, the food did not run out. In both accounts, they had plenty of leftovers, that they had to take it away in baskets. God is a right on time God. He is a possible God. He can do the impossible. Body of Christ, it’s time to get closer to Father God, and love Him even more. The Bible says in Exodus 20: 1-5, the Ten Commandments: a. “Thou shalt have no other gods before me. b. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or likeness of anything that is in the heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: c. Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God,….” For the ones, who serve “false gods,” I pray that God will break the scales off your eyes because you are blinded from the truth. I pray that He really open your eyes that you see. That He removes deception, and the “deceiving spirit,” that keeps you from receiving Jesus, as your Lord, and that He will bring you into the knowledge and truth concerning Him. Whoever you are that’s in this particular SIN, turn away from it before it’s too late. Turn from your evil and wicked ways. Accept Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior. REPENT of your sin and ask God the Father, in Jesus name to forgive you. Get rid of your “false gods,” and live only for the Lord Jesus for the rest of your days on earth. It’s time to serve Him, and only Him because your “idols,” or “false gods” can’t do for you what Jesus can. If you are ready to change over to the one true, and living God, Pray this prayer, Father God, in the name of Jesus: I confess that I am a sinner. I REPENT of all my sins. Forgive me for worshipping and serving other gods. Father God, I want to be born-again of your Spirit. Lord Jesus, save me. I believe you died for me, that you rose from the dead on the third day, and that you are alive today. Thank you for saving me, Amen. Scriptures Leviticus 26:1, “Ye shall make you no idols nor graven image, neither rear you up a standing image, neither shall ye set up any image of stone in your land, to bow down unto it: for I am the LORD your God.” Acts 19:26, “….saying that they be no gods, which are made with hands:…” Psalm 96: 5, “For all the gods of the nations are idols: but the LORD made the heavens.” Deuteronomy 4: 35, “Unto thee it was shewed, that thou mightiest know that the LORD he is God; there is none else beside him.” Isaiah 45: 5, “I am the LORD, and there is none else, there is no God beside me:…” Isaiah 45:18, “For thus saith the LORD that created the heavens; God himself that formed the earth and made it; he hath established it, he created it not in vain, he formed it to be inhabited: I am the LORD; and there is none else.” 1 Corinthians 10: 19-21, 19 “What say I then? That the idol is anything, or that which is offered in sacrifice to idols is anything? 20 But I say, that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God: and I would not that ye should have fellowship with devils. 21 Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of devils: ye cannot be partakers of the Lord’s table, and of the table of devils.” Unforgiveness This is a topic that should be addressed in the church more than it is because, so many of you are walking around with “unforgiveness” in your heart. You may be carrying anger or bitterness in your heart towards a spouse, family member, relative, friend, boss, someone in leadership, your brother or sister in Christ, or even the “man or woman” of God. Some have been angry for years, and have never got that thing right with them. You have not gotten it right with them because you feel you were right and they were wrong and you want them to take the first initiative to come to you and apologize. Stop acting like a child, wanting to have it your way. Well, you are full of “pride.” Why let your relationship with the person you have ought against, continue on when it don’t have too. Have you ever thought about it and said to yourself, “maybe I’m wrong.” You know, you can be wrong sometimes. You can’t be right all the time. Another point is, with “unforgiveness” in your heart, you have opened the door for demonic attack. You have sinned, and Satan can attack you or a love one close to you, in some area of your life. He has legal right too. The only way that door can be shut, you have to go to God, REPENT, and ask Him to forgive you. You have to get it right with the person you have ought against. In Matthew 6: 14, 15 Jesus says, 14 “For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you:… 15 But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.” Jesus also said in Matthew 5: 23, 24, 23 “Therefore if thou bring thy gift to the altar, and there rememberest that thy brother hath aught against thee; 24 Leave there thy gift before the altar, and go thy way; first be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy gift. Once you do that, your slate is clean with God and He will close that “open” door. There have been other cases, where a person has gone to another person, asking for forgiveness, and the person did not forgive them. Well, if they do not forgive you, they will have to stand before Jesus and account for why, they didn’t forgive you. Jesus will re-play a picture back to them. Jesus is the only one who can break a person down, and soften their heart to the point where they will forgive you. Don’t you worry about it. You just do your part. God will honor what you did. Even after you apologize to the person, go on about your business and lift the person up in prayer to the Lord. Make sure you go to God and get it right with Him (REPENT.) God will see what you’ve done, and He will shut that open door, that’s open in your life. Unforgiveness in your heart can cause “sickness,” in your physical body. It can cause a build-up of anger and bitterness in your heart towards the person you are angry with. Unforgiveness can cause you not to be able to flow in the Holy Ghost like you want to. It can cause some “hindrances” in other areas of your life. It can cause some “blockages” within your spirit where the anointing can’t flow like it should. It can hinder your flow of blessings from God. It can hinder your prayer life, and spiritual gifts that God has blessed you with. If you continue to walk in unforgiveness for a long period of time, you will need deliverance. If you have unforgiveness in your heart, Jesus wants you to forgive quickly. That is why married couples, who are believer’s in the Lord when you or your spouse have disagreements between each other, someone has to take the initiative first to go to the other spouse and apologize. If you don’t, the devil will have a field day with it. That will open a door for him to come in and stir up more confusion between you both because his mission is to break you up and destroy your marriage. Why? Because you represent the Lord, and you belong to Him, and the devil doesn’t like that. He feels you are a “threat” to his kingdom, and he wants to turn you against, and away from the Lord. So married couples, keep the devil out of your marriage. When you find an argument getting ready to stir in the midst, one of you say to the other spouse, excuse me, and you go in your prayer room and let the devil have it. You bind him up, rebuke him, and command him to get out of your house right now, in Jesus name. Plead the blood. Go back out where the other spouse is and ask forgiveness. Also, when an argument is getting ready to stir up, don’t stand there and argue back with the other spouse. That’s what the devil wants you to do. When the spouse start up with the argument, don’t argue back, just stand there quiet and not say anything. The spouse that’s arguing, when they see you are not going to argue back with them or see how foolish they look standing there arguing, they will either stop it, walk away from it, or go out the door until they cool off. Once that spouse leaves, then the other spouse has to be the prayer warrior. Get busy and start praying to your heavenly Father asking Him for His divine intervention in your marriage. Ask Him to send angels from the kingdom of God to your spouse to protect them. Ask Him, to give His angels charge to stop the devils in their tracks from coming against your marriage. Ask Him to cause His peace to come in your house and that peace will prevail. Ask the Father to give your spouse a heart of forgiveness towards you. Don’t forget to plead the blood. Say, “I plead the blood in my house, throughout my house, in every room, in the name of Jesus. Father God, I plead the blood of Jesus over my spouse and over all we own. I plead the blood of Jesus over my marriage and in my marriage right now, in Jesus name. Lord Jesus, saturate the walls, ceilings, floors, and atmosphere of this house with the blood of Jesus. I thank you Lord, in Jesus name. Amen.” This is a true account concerning forgiveness: When my husband and I both lived in Texas, my husband was asked by one of our neighbor’s to officiate their wedding. My husband agreed to it, and counseled the couple at least three times before they married. The wedding was outside, and it was a beautiful day to have a wedding, because it was sunny. It was a country wedding where the people sat on bales of hay, and some of them wore their western attire. It was an unusual wedding for me, as I was only accustomed to attending nothing but “formal” weddings. After the wedding, family, friends, my husband and I went inside the couple’s house because that’s where they were serving hors d’oeuvres, and refreshments. While sitting in the living room, an older man came and asked my husband to come with him because he and one of his relatives, a woman, needed to be ministered too in one of the bedrooms. Before they got to the bedroom, the man let my husband know that he and a family member had fallen out with each other for twenty years. The Lord used my husband to minister to the both of them. Tears began to flow from the both of them. After my husband finished counseling with them, they made up with each other. Both of them hugged one another. My husband led them both in a “prayer of repentance” unto God. It turned out to be a happy ending. All was forgiven after twenty years of unforgiveness. In Matthew 18: 21, 22 Peter asked the question to Jesus, “how often should I forgive those who offend against me? 21 “Then came Peter to him, and said, Lord, how oft shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? Till seven times? 22 Jesus saith unto him, I say not unto thee, until seven times: but, until seventy times seven.” Jesus answer to Peter’s question, was seventy times seven. Jesus was saying to Peter, to forgive your brother continually, or forgive them unlimited times. Well, “saints,” this is our example. We should take heed and obey it. The same way, Jesus gave Peter the answer, it also applies to us today. Jesus is saying to us in the Body of Christ to forgive our brother and sister continually. For the ones who are walking in unforgiveness right now, and the ones who have walked for a long time with unforgiveness in your heart, here’s your chance to get it right with that person (s) you have ought against. Once you get it right with them, then go to the Father, REPENT, and ask Him to forgive you for your sin, so things can go well with you. Pray this prayer, Father God, in the name of Jesus: I confess, I have sinned before you. I have walked with unforgiveness in my heart for some time. Please forgive me of my wrongdoing. Help me Lord that this will never happen to me again in my life. Cause me to do better in this area of my life. Thank you for hearing my prayer. Thank you, that I am forgiven. In Jesus mighty name I pray. Amen. An Unrepentant Heart Saints, there are times in our lives where we SIN whether, it’s our own personal sin, or sin against someone else, or we sin against God our Father. But, it’s good to know when we commit sin, we have an advocate, Jesus Christ. When we SIN, we as believer’s know all we have to do is REPENT, and ask Father God in Jesus name to forgive us. The Bible says, in 1 John 1: 9, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” Saints, you have to REPENT to God continually. It should never get to the point, where you don’t take time-out in your busy schedule to REPENT to Him. In that way, it keeps your slate clean with God, and makes you feel good within yourself knowing that you did the right thing. There are some “children of God” today, who are walking around with an “unrepentant heart.” Whenever, they do something wrong they act as if it’s nothing, and they go about their business as usual like nothing ever happened. Well, it might not mean anything to you to REPENT, but it does mean something to God when you don’t REPENT. You might have gotten by, but you haven’t gotten away. Why? Because, Father God sees you. His eyes are everywhere, beholding the evil and the good. You won’t be able to get away with it because God knows exactly what you did. He’s on His throne just waiting to see, if, when, and how long it will take you to come and get it right with Him. Now, I know for a fact, if the “Spirit of God,” who is the Holy Ghost dwells in you, you are not going to get away with doing wrong. He will convict your heart (spirit) of your “wrong doing.” He will speak to you about it in your spirit by a still small voice, or audible voice, or He will be grieved about what you did. For instance, take a sister in Christ, that hurt another sister in Christ by saying something to them they had no business saying. It festered in the heart of the sister, who is hurt and she can’t seem to let it go. Well, in the Holy Spirit’s timing, guess what? He will minister to the sister who started the offense and say to her “you remember sister so-and-so, and how you said some harsh words to her at such-n-such a time that really hurt her feelings? Well, I want you to go to her or call her by phone, and ask her to forgive you for what you said to her on that day. She will either take heed to what the Holy Spirit said or decide not to. The best advice is, for the sister who did the offense, do what the Holy Spirit say, whether she likes it or not. There are other times when the Holy Spirit will use the innocent person first, who didn’t start the argument or offense because He want someone to take the first step to apologize to the other person whether they are right or wrong. Either way, He want both parties to get it right with each other. I want to reiterate, “children of God,” we should REPENT to God on a daily basis, if necessary, if we do “wrong” before Him. There are SINS and trespasses we commit, some we recollect and some we don’t remember. There are people, we have done offenses to, that we remember their names, or others we did offenses to, we don’t remember their names. Also, there are people who are strangers to us, for the first time, we have done an injustice too, and we don’t know or remember their names at all. Only the Holy Spirit can refresh our mind and cause the name of the person to resurface in our spirit. He’s the only one who can bring all things back to our remembrance. There are SINS, we commit against God such as: “disobedience and rebellion.” For example, God will instruct some of us to do something for Him. Well, instead of some of us doing what He says immediately, we will take our time or procrastinate, or decide that we are not going to do it at all. Bad choice. That is “SIN” against God. He gave you a direct command, and you didn’t do it. What He asked you to do seemed impossible, too complicated, or you just didn’t want to do it. However, that’s why you go to God in prayer, and ask Him to clarify your instructions concerning what you don’t understand. In His timing, He will reveal to you what He wants you to do. The key to this is: ASK, be patient, and wait on Him. The definition of REPENT means to 1. Feel sorry for (an error, sin, etc.) 2. To feel such regret over (an action, intention, etc.) as to change one’s mind. 3. To change direction. In the New Testament, John the Baptist was a “forerunner” for the Lord Jesus Christ. John’s message was, “Repent ye, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand (Matt. 3:2.)” Jesus Christ in His ministry on earth, tells us to REPENT. (Luke 13: 3.) Peter, one of Jesus disciples, in his ministry told people to REPENT (Acts 2: 28; 3:19; 8:22.) In the Book of Revelation, in the letters to the churches in Asia Minor: Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamos, Thyatira, Sardis, Laodicea, and Philadelphia Jesus Christ, called six of the seven churches to repentance. He said, He knew their works and commanded them to REPENT or He would come unto them quickly, and would remove them except they REPENT! Examine yourself. If you are in the Body of Christ, who has an “unrepentant heart.” Ask God to change you…to give you the desire to REPENT while there is still time to do so. Don’t become like Esau who could find no place of repentance, though he sought it with many tears. Remember also, Saul and Judas who God rejected altogether! If you feel you need to REPENT now, Say this prayer, Father God in the name of Jesus, I ask you to forgive me for an unrepentant heart. Change me and help me to see, admit, and REPENT when I am wrong! Change my heart. Change my will and cause me to submit to your will and your way in this area for my life. Thank you Lord for forgiving me and molding me into the image of your Son, in Jesus name. Amen. Women’s Dress Code Women, in the Body of Christ, some of you need coaching on how to dress when you come to church, or wherever you go. You’re supposed to be representing God as a “holy” vessel. You should dress “holy” before Him. The Bible says, He is a “holy” God. He commands us, “Be ye holy, for I am holy.” Some of your clothes are too tight, too provocative, too short, too many splits, too low cut showing too much cleavage, too much boobs, and too much arm out. In the Bible in Deuteronomy 22: 5 it says, “The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman’s garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God.” I understand that this was an Old Testament admonition but the Holy Spirit inspired Deuteronomy 22:5 and as New Testament saints, we all need to be careful how we dress. The Bible says in 1 Cor. 14: 40, “Let all things be done decently and in order.” Women, some of you, when you dress the way you do, you dress just like the “world.” The world dresses for self-comfort, to draw attention, or entrap the opposite sex. Ladies, if your trying to attract a man, you are going about it the wrong way. If you do end up “hooking” a man, he’s a “worldly” man interested only in sex and the flesh. He’s dead to spiritual things of God. Some of you women, whose dress code is “out of order” for the church, you think you are looking good, and the men in the church are looking at you. They may glance at you, but godly men are thinking, “why are you dressed like that.” Let me take a moment and speak for the “godly” men at this time. I believe a “godly” man wants a woman who dresses decent, and covers up everything. He doesn’t want a woman “exposing” what she’s got to other men. They want a woman who respects herself as a “godly” woman. Believe it or not women, the way you dress tells a lot about the type of person you are. Ladies, it’s time to cover yourselves up. Cover up those body parts you should not be exposing. I remember, the day when I was in the “holiness” church. We had mothers in the church who did not tolerate a woman coming into the church dressed any kind of way. They would pull you to the side, and let you know your dress was too short. If you sat on the front pew seat with a short dress on, a “mother of the church” would get up, go to that woman and ask her to move to another seat, middle-way, or to the back of the church. Also, the “mother of the church,” would give a woman a large lap handkerchief to lay over her lap, or get the woman a “sheet” to put across her lap or wrap it around her waist. Oh, how I wish we still had “mothers in the church” like those of yesterday. You respected the mothers in the church, and did what they told you to do. Today, it’s rare, you see our “mothers in the church,” correcting the women about their dress. I believe our “mothers in the church,” with the permission of leadership, need to get back on their job teaching some of the women how to dress. Godly women, some of you who are dressing too provocative, you know who you are, please ask the Holy Spirit to show you how to dress as a “child of God.” In His timing, He will do just that. When I first got saved at the age of 24, I was wearing skirts and dresses a little above or below the kneecap, and some of them were fitting. I remember this particular time, when my husband and myself were members of a “holiness” church, in Grand Prairie, Texas. This church was very strict about the women’s dress code. Also, the women did not wear any makeup. In this church, you knew what was appropriate and inappropriate to wear. If you didn’t dress to their standard, you knew it, because of the way some of the women looked at you. At first, I felt very uncomfortable there, but I sat there and took it with love in my heart towards them. The women wore long skirts or dresses all the way down to their ankles, and their blouses were always long sleeves, with nothing showing. When I first started attending this church, I got all dressed up in a white outfit I really liked. The outfit was a pretty long sleeves blouse, and the skirt was off white, short (above the knee) and fitting. The Holy Spirit spoke to me in my spirit before leaving the apartment, and He said, “daughter, change your outfit.” Immediately, I did not question Him about it, because I knew who it was that was speaking to me. I obeyed Him, and did just what He told me to do. After that day, I never wore that outfit again. In fact, I passed it on to the Salvation Army for someone else to enjoy. It takes the Holy Spirit to correct and instruct us when we need it. From that day forward, He showed me how to dress before the Lord. He showed me by His spirit, how He wanted me to dress. I really like the way I dress now. The Bible says in 1 Tim. 2: 9, 10, 9 “In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness (showing shame; ashamed) and sobriety (a being sober; seriousness,) not with braided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; 10 But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works.” Again, let me reiterate on this point, “godly” women who are guilty of the dress code for the church, make a change today and decide that you want to dress the way a “godly woman” should dress i.e. , in modest apparel. You are not only doing it for yourself, but you are doing it for God the Father because you want to please Him in everything. Stop looking like a “hootchie” mama. Cover-up, and dress the way, a godly woman should. Some of your best examples to follow in the “dress code,” would be some “women of God,” or some women in leadership, or some of the mothers in your church. Scriptures John 8: 32, “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” John 8: 36, “If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.” Hebrews 12: 14, “Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord:…” 1 Thessalonians 4: 7, “For God hath not called us unto uncleanness, but unto holiness.” Contact Information Sheryl T. Williams P. O. Box 212776 Columbia, S. C. 29221 (469) 474-1323 cell About the Author Sheryl T. Williams, was born in Durham, North Carolina. She received Jesus Christ as Lord & Savior at the age of 24, and comes from a “holiness” background. Prior to 1995, the Holy Spirit began to permit Sheryl to “See” into the spiritual realms. In addition, God communicates with her in visions and dreams. Sheryl, is a graduate of RHEMA Correspondence Bible School in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, Class of May 2003. She is a licensed, ordained Evangelist assisting her husband in the ministry. She is an extraordinary, fruitful “soul winner,” leading many to Christ. She resides with her husband in Columbia, South Carolina. 17