I Am Jesus
Holy Ghost

It Pays To Serve God!

All Are Welcome!

WELCOME to The I Am Jesus Holy Ghost Church website, the church where…. Jesus Christ is loved!

We are a non-denominational “holiness” church that makes no distinctions about one’s race, class, age or ethnic background, because GOD makes no such distinctions. We love the LORD and are committed to the praise and worship of HIM.

We are a GOD CENTERED, HOLY GHOST filled, BIBLE believing assembly. Our motto is: “IT PAYS TO SERVE GOD!

Our vision is: The perfecting of the Saints. Our supreme desire is to know Christ and to be conformed into HIS image by the power of the Holy Spirit. If you are not saved i.e., (you have not ASKED Jesus to save you) please take a moment and do so. Click the “Key To Salvation” link on the right.

Pastor Williams Delivers The Message on YouTube

Using the power of YouTube, Pastor Williams delivers messages  the LORD bestows upon him to give.  Click here to see the latest video.

Books Available To You

The LORD commissioned Lady Williams to write these books and we concluded that in order to make them available to everyone, we would need to make them FREE of charge to everyone. All you need to do is download them from your computer. JESUS has made these books readily available to you. All we ask is that you avail yourself of and enjoy these blessings for FREE

"The Bible Has The Answers" Radio Program

The weekly radio program delivered by Pastor Williams can be heard from our website.  Click here to listen to the weekly message the LORD wants Pastor to relay to you.

Personal message from Pastor Aaron Williams

GREETINGS, in the name of our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ. Although I may never meet you “in the flesh,” we can meet right here, right now and rejoice that God has chosen us to be in His royal Family. He is our own real Heavenly Father that cares, directs, and watches over us. Hallelujah!

The Lord Jesus Christ is our actual elder brother and the precious Holy Ghost is on the earth right now fulfilling all the Father’s will. Brothers and Sisters, we are on our way to heaven to be with God forever! What an inheritance! What a destiny! I can hardly wait but until that time let us go on, down here, following the Holy Ghost wherever He may lead us knowing that in Him our work is not in vain.

God loves you and I love and salute you in the Lord. Go all the way for Jesus and may God’s riches and blessings be yours.

If there might be some small or large thing I can do for you (encouragement, a question answered, or prayer) just give me a call and I’ll do my best to help you, if I can.

May God bless you and continue to shine upon you. In Him I am,
– Pastor Aaron Williams

Contact Us

We want you to know that you belong here, you are welcomed here, and you are wanted here! We would love to get you connected with us and help you with next steps to salvation.

Service Times

Tuesday night – PRAYER – 7:00 p.m.
Sabbath Friday Service – 7:00 p.m.
SATURDAY Sabbath Day Service – 12:00 noon.

Ask Jesus To Save You!